I recently purchased two CCleaner Professional V5.53 for two laptops. One allows Quick Clean and Custom Clean but the other one only allows the traditional Clean. Why?
The quick clean is a Beta (experimental) feature, they are currently only putting it out to about 10% of downloads/installations.
So you have got one standard installation and one with the experimenta quick clean feature.
Thanks Nukecad, unfortunately the one with the Quick Clean feature is on the laptop I don't use much. The one I use daily is the same old, same old. So to test the Beta version I'm going to be forced to use the laptop I don't like. Ah well.
Can you not just copy the CCleaner.exe files from the laptop to the PC?
I regularly just replace CCleaner64.exe (extracted from a new version 'portable') without doing any other installation.
I've never had the quick clean beta so can't try it.
You could look to see if there are any extra files in the CCleaner directory on the laptop, but I'm betting the feature built into the downloaded .exe file(s).
Compare the filesize of the .exe files themselves, if the quick clean is included I suspect the filesize will be larger.
Backup the files from the PC first in case you have to put them back for the pro licence to still work.
I'm not sure just how the licence works, but I suspect that just copying over CCleaner.exe and/or CCleaner64.exe should be OK.
You may have to enter you licence key again in Options>About>Upgrade to Pro.
Like I say I can't try this myself; so at your own risk.
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There was only one download link for the two purchases which the same exe file and two license keys although I didn't originally notice the second key which was on second page so I used the first key for both installations which gave the two different screens. Redownloading and using the second key still didn't give the second screen either so I don't now what contols who gets the beta.
Like I say I've never seen it other than in screenshots.
Did you check the relative sizes of the installed CCleaner.exe (and CCleaner64.exe) on the different machines?
C:/Programme files/CCleaner/CCleaner.exe, and C:/Programme files/CCleaner/CCleaner64.exe
For example my installed CCleaner64.exe (without quick clean) is 19,168 KB.
I would expect one with the quick clean included to be larger, if only because of the extra graphics needed.
Unless it's been built into everything and just not enabled on most?
We are only users here so don't know just how the developers have done it.
To be clear I'm not talking about the downloaded CCsetup###.exe, but the files that have been installed on you harddrives.
Piriform support has confirmed the random design of the installation. I've told them that in the case of two purchases they should give the customer the choice of which installation gets the beta version. However, the randomness is probably not amenable to that approach. The problem for Piriform is that they won't be getting much feedback from me because it installed on the very rarely used old computer. I only turn it on daily to get security software updates, whereas I use my other computer every waking minute, and use CCleaner Professional probably a dozen times a day.
These days Piriform seems to work in mysterious ways.
As users we'll keep doing our best to help as best we can.