Turn your television down

May be best to turn it off altogether! See here


What is Google thinking? I think one of the reasons people like Google is because Google seems to respect the privacy of its users. An example is their refusal to turn over records of people's searches to the government. But lately it appears to me that they are trying to come up with a lot of different ways to violate it.

Google can also track the music you listen to on your PC but you have to choose to use it. However, of you choose that option you automatically enable Personalized Search which tracks a lot more than just music. If people don't follow the read more link before using the share music option it looks like they won't be informed of that.

In my opinion allowing anyone or anything to collect or use personal information or to access anything on your PC for any reason should be strictly voluntary.

I think that sounds sucks. Noway!

Well, I am not sure the story is true. The amount of people who have a microphone is not too many, of all those people, the amount of people who have it enabled more than just once in a while is low too.

And I am not sure that a PC microphone can pick up noise from so far away.

Eitherway, I don't like it at all. Noway that is getting into my computer.

This is interesting though...


Google can also track the music you listen to on your PC but you have to choose to use it.

Allot of audio/media players also have the funtionality built-in with one example being AOL's Winamp, etc., however in Winamp if my memory is serving me correctly it's on by default and must be turned off.