Trying to download Browser

I had CCleaner Browser installed on my PC. I had a problem with the ad blocker not blocking ads. I seen where is said to uninstall and then reinstall.

So I did that. But when I tried to reinstall I get this message "Failed to retrieve configuration settings. Please check your internet connection." I'am stumped by that message.

My internet connection is working or I would not be writing this.

Thanks in advance for your help


First thing to do in a situation like that is to Restart your computer, (not Shutdown but Restart, they do different things), and then try again.

(A Restart clears things out of memory, the kernel, etc. and gives Windows a fresh launch - a Shutdown 'hibernates' them and puts them back when you reboot).

Or it could just have been a temporary glitch somewhere on the internet route between your computer and the download server.

Or it could be caused by your Antivirus or firewall settings blocking the download/install, but as you had already downloaded/installed it before that's less likely unless those settings have changed since last time you installed.

Which is possible, AV's do update themselves. (and people do sometimes tinker with their AV settings or with firewalls).


I did restart the PC. I then disabled all av's and firewall, proceeded to download browser and still received the same message.

Thank you for your reply.


Odd, I'll flag it up to the staff to see if there is a problem with the server.


Today I ran CCleaner and restarted the PC. Then turned off all AV and Firewalls and attempted to download the Browser.

Success !!!! I'm back up and running. Thank you for your help.


Good to hear.

That sounds as if it may have been a problem at the download server, or somewhere on route to the server, that has now been fixed.

59 minutes ago, jimmyifish said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">

		Today I ran CCleaner and restarted the PC. Then turned off all AV and Firewalls and attempted to download the Browser.

		Success !!!!  I'm back up and running. Thank you for your help.


Jim you should never turn off all your protection, (av and firewall) and then download something from the internet.