Trying to add a program to start when Windows starts

I have copied the program and moved it to the start up folder. this did not help. The program is located in the "Start Up" section of CCleaner. All the other programs listed in the Key section are either "HKCU:Run or "HKLM:Run". This particular program is listed as "Startup User". I am drawing blanks to what else to do. Any help would much appreiciated and thank you in advance.

Only specs you should need are : Windows7 64

This works for starting my Task Manager, so try it for your program.

This works for starting my Task Manager, so try it for your program.

Thank you for your suggestion! I have a 3rd party software GPU meter (somewhat like a windows gadget but it is a program). It keeps track and logs the GPU temp, Vmem, MC Load and VE load. Instead of having to open it after my computer boots, i want it to automatically open. I have tried that, what was suggested in the article, but with no luck. Thanks again for your help.

Hmm -- puzzling that it didn't work cos these links confirm the method.

If you manage to find the solution please post so we all can try it when needed. :)

Is this the one?

Nah, it's not that one. The name of it is TechPowerUp GPU-Z. I forgot where i downloaded from, sorry.

maybe, blocked by UAC

try use task scheduler to run the app

Nah, it's not that one. The name of it is TechPowerUp GPU-Z. I forgot where i downloaded from, sorry.

i think this might be the one;

well, it was harder than it ought to have been, but I got it to start when Windows loads.

all the usually stuff didn't work, as described above.

the only way I got it to start with Windows was to put it into a BAT file with the following commands;

cd C:\Program Files (x86)\GPU-Z

start gpu-z

that went into C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup and it finally started.

(if it works for you, you can tidy up the BAT file with @echo off and /D switch on start to have it on one line and whatever other programming habits you have)

well, it was harder than it ought to have been, but I got it to start when Windows loads.

all the usually stuff didn't work, as described above.

the only way I got it to start with Windows was to put it into a BAT file with the following commands;

cd C:\Program Files (x86)\GPU-Z

start gpu-z

that went into C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup and it finally started.

(if it works for you, you can tidy up the BAT file with @echo off and /D switch on start to have it on one line and whatever other programming habits you have)

Thank you very much! I should have mentioned that I was curious if there was a way to add it through CCleaner software, since it is the softwares forum and you are able adjust the start up programs through the software. Any who.. thanks a ton and I hope this helps others as well.

glad you got it to work :)

Thank you very much! I should have mentioned that I was curious if there was a way to add it through CCleaner

Not yet, but hopefully they do make it capable of creating startups via the registry since it can after all delete them so it's a logical feature to request. It would save me from what I typically do which is manually adding them in the registry.