Trouble downloading new ver -- get '0 KB'

On the last two versions of CCleaner, (ver 2.14 and now today ver 2.15) my attempts to download have resulted in files named ccsetup 214.exe/ ccsetup215.exe -- but showing a file size of '0 KB'...

Attempts to run either results in a message stating that it 'is not a valid Win32 application'...

I finally figured out some sort of a work-around to download ver 2.14 (last month -- don't remember how I did it)

and now have that installed and loaded and that is what I am currently using...

I have made four attempts today to download ver 2.15 -- all with the same result (an empty 'exe' file, as above)

All this is on a Win XP machine using Firefox 3.0.5 as my browser

I'm running a number of Firefox add-ons -- including Adblock Plus 1.0; Flashblock; NoScript;

and WOT (Web of Trust)-20081111...

I assumed that NoScript might be the most likely culprit and made two attempts today that should have gone around that --

one by temporarily allowing the download page within NoScript, and the other by disabling NoScript completely (and rebooting Firefox as part of that process)

I tried two different download sites -- and one other I was referred to by the CCleaner site...

Tried googling around the web to find a solution or clue, with no success - at least within any reasonable amount of time...

Am at my wit's end and running out of ideas...

I love CCleaner and tend to use it multiple times per day...

Any clues, tips, hints, or leads (or even an actual specific solution) would be greatly appreciated...




Welcome sjbrogan

Why not give IE a try? Then you will know if it is a connection problem as well.

Further to Kens suggestion, you could try launching Firefox in "Safe Mode".

Go to "Start\All Programs\Mozilla Firefox\Mozilla Firefox (safe mode)". This will launch Firefox without any add-ons giving you an indication as to whether any of them were the cause.

Can you download ANY *.exe file from anywhere ?

Last year M.$ knew for some time of an internet threat they could not defeat.

Eventually they issued a public warning, and recommended that the I.E. Security level should be raised to HIGH until they had it fixed.

I followed that advice, even though I never use I.E., only Firefox.

I then found that Firefox could NOT download *.exe from anywhere. All I could get were *.zip files.

Since the "Out-of-cycle" patch was released I lowered I.E. back to its previous setting,

and now Firefox can again download *.exe.

When I download any file, my anti-virus takes an interest.

When the download is complete it is not available until the file is closed,

and my Anti-virus prevents the file from being "closed" until it has inspected it.

Inspection of OpenOffice *.paf file (Portable Apps delivery package) takes a very long time,

Inspection of the "standard" installation *.exe takes a much shorter (but still very long) time.

Inspection of a *.zip of the same thing is much faster.

You do not say what protection you have.

If you have no protection you could already have a full complement of malware,

some of which could rest in a Temp file so would block CCleaner.

If you have protection then a false positive could cause it to block the file.

Is it possible protection has blocked the file but failed to tell you of its action ?

I suggest you try the Portable Build of CCleaner.

My Anti-virus (ESET Nod32) has no problem with any of the CCleaner variants,

but perhaps your system would be happier with a *.zip.



Thank you, Kenny, Dennis & Alan -- and especially to Alan, who gave the key clue

Problem now solved, after little effort...

Just to let you all know what worked and what didn't...

1 -- Tried IE and got a message that said 'your current security settings do not allow this file can be downloaded'

2 -- Tried launching Firefox in safe mode -- This resulted in another 'empty download'

3 -- Went into IE; set the security settings to Low, then back to Firefox (as a test), and was able to successfully download the CCleaner file...

Then went back to IE, reset the security settings to where they had been (Medium-High),

and set about to continue on with 'life as we know it'...

Was also able at this point to download the zip-file version of CCleaner, so I take that as a good tip for the future...

Again, many thanks to you all...

Much appreciated...


Thanks for posting back SJB, it's always nice to know the solution for future similar requests.

Nice one Alan.


Thanks for feedback and appreciation.

It is nice to put to good use the bitter experiences of M.$ ! !

A supplementary thought occurs :-

You said I.E. gave you the warning 'your current security settings do not allow this file can be downloaded'.

I assume you received no such warning previously when Firefox failed to get the goods.

My experience was that Firefox immediately gave me that (or a very similar) warning,

which made me realise that something had changed,

and I then realised the I.E. security change affected all Windows browsers in the universe.

If Firefox gave me a warning, but did not warn you, perhaps your pop-up protection was over vigilant

Perhaps Adblock Plus 1.0; Flashblock; NoScript; or WOT "protected" you from knowledge ! !

I use Firefox 3.0.5 with Adblock Plus 1.0.1, and it is disabled for some sites.

If I pause and contemplate during Internet banking,

I get a warning two minutes before I am auto logged out for security reasons.

When Anti-pop-up protection was in full swing the warning never appeared - I just lost the connection.

