On the last two versions of CCleaner, (ver 2.14 and now today ver 2.15) my attempts to download have resulted in files named ccsetup 214.exe/ ccsetup215.exe -- but showing a file size of '0 KB'...
Attempts to run either results in a message stating that it 'is not a valid Win32 application'...
I finally figured out some sort of a work-around to download ver 2.14 (last month -- don't remember how I did it)
and now have that installed and loaded and that is what I am currently using...
I have made four attempts today to download ver 2.15 -- all with the same result (an empty 'exe' file, as above)
All this is on a Win XP machine using Firefox 3.0.5 as my browser
I'm running a number of Firefox add-ons -- including Adblock Plus 1.0; Flashblock; NoScript;
and WOT (Web of Trust)-20081111...
I assumed that NoScript might be the most likely culprit and made two attempts today that should have gone around that --
one by temporarily allowing the download page within NoScript, and the other by disabling NoScript completely (and rebooting Firefox as part of that process)
I tried two different download sites -- FileHippo.com and one other I was referred to by the CCleaner site...
Tried googling around the web to find a solution or clue, with no success - at least within any reasonable amount of time...
Am at my wit's end and running out of ideas...
I love CCleaner and tend to use it multiple times per day...
Any clues, tips, hints, or leads (or even an actual specific solution) would be greatly appreciated...