What I wish to do is transfer the exact settings on my laptop's CCleaner to work computer without having to write down or remember them. By settings I mean what options I use for cleaning etc.
I looked for Ccleaner settings in program directory, regisrty and Local settings. No luck.
Also, I wish to run the registry cleanup under AUTO option. Is that possible?
Great program. Kudos!
No, it is not possible to clean registry with /AUTO option.
Settings are as far as I know, stored in the registry.
Welcome to the CCleaner Forums esoteric! ![:)]()
How to export and import the CCleaner settings:
- Using RegEdit (Start > Run > Regedit) export the registry settings from this location and save to a file named for example CCleaner_Settings.reg:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\CCleaner
- Important: Before you install CCleaner on the other computer import CCleaner_Settings.reg by double clicking it and selecting Yes to merge the data.
- Then install CCleaner which will use the already imported settings.
Note: If you have Winapp2.ini entries that you currently use remember to copy Winapp2.ini over to the other computer as well!