Could you please do the same for me? My account is under {Removed by Mod}
. I have a VPN and Bitwarden. Somehow it seems to not like Firefox, I am told by other sites, like Bitwarden. Also have Kamo and HotSpot VPN, not that I’m paranoid or anything! I’m supposed to sign in with these turned off? Seems unreasonable. How am I a bot? I’m not a bot! Also, I bought a new computer and would like Kamo to be on it, too. I bought it for this computer, can I install it onto the new one? Kamo seems to shut off my HotSpot VPN after installed. Is that usual? Can I use both?
@jkelly You should never put your email address in plain sight like that, if you do then you are liable to get lots of spam emails or worse. I have removed it for your security.
Sorry It is not clear just what you are asking -
This old thread was about CCleaner subscriptions, but you appear to have an issue with Kamo not with a CCleaner subscription.
You seem to want to transfer an existing installation of Kamo from one machine to a new machine, is that correct?
Thanks you so much for vouchsafing my email address. Didn’t realize the danger. Sorry to trouble you with uncertain problem. How about an ESB Grand Beer of England as a reward? I see it powers you! I was trying to transfer to a new computer, and Microsoft tries to take possession with the transfer, so had to bugger the OneDrive. At present, I have transferred my last device allotment to give the new computer Ccleaner Pro. I was wondering about Kamo, too. I had a vexing problem trying to find support, as I look like a robot, but am not. When I searched in the community, this thread came up about the robot problem. It is a real customer dissatisfaction, and I’d like to understand it. Also, I’d like to transfer Kamo but cannot find a way. I will look in my email program for the original download, but at present, my furnace died and me and my dogs are living in several winter coats. Furnace went out Thanksgiving, and finally replacement due tomorrow. Have I gone TMI on you? Awfully sorry. Does Kamo not fit your scope of expertise? Also sorry. Thanks for your kind attention,
Thanks for that, I have moved this into the Kamo Help section.
Unfortunately we don’t seem to have many users who are knowledgable about Kamo, I myself don’t use it and so know very little about it.
You might try reading through the threads alread hers to see if any of them help.
However I would have thought that to transfer it you would just install and activate Kamo on the new machine and then uninstall it from the old one.
That’s how you generally transfer CCleaner products/licences from an old machine to a new one.
This is the online help which covers reinstalling Kamo: CCleaner Support Community
Activating/reactuvating Kamo: CCleaner Support Community
As for it shutting off your HotSpot VPN all I can say is that trying to run more than one similar security programme at the same time usually ends up in them interfering with each other.
That’s why you don’t run 2-Antivirus apps at once, they clash and stop each other from working properly.
Thanks, nukecad!