Tor Stopped Working after Windows Update

I updated windows and Tor Stopped working. Firefox also stopped working but I was able to disable the "Use Hardware Acceleration" in safe mode for it to work again. I'm unable to do the same as Tor crashes when it loads.

You need to give more info when you post such as version of Windows used and when you say 'updated Windows' do you mean the regular monthly updates or you added a service pack?

Have you tried uninstalling and installing a new version of Tor? Not to the same directory apparently, a bit of info on that here

Tor has no forum but there are a few forums where some people have experience of it such as....


If no one here can help you may want to try there. However I suggest if you do, you give more detailed info than you have here :)

Also I see you have posted about this on the afterdawn forums, you may get help there perhaps.

Why are we suddenly receiving TOR questions recently, I wonder?

like that other post a week or two ago, I thought TOR was a bit nudge nudge wink wink and was a site that shall not be named sort of thing.

or are we talking The Old Republic game?

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