Disagree with this article.IMHO if you like an extension and it suits your needs then use it.
Popularity shouldn't be the acid test to determine if you should install an extension. The important question is whether it enhances your browsing experience without any nasty side effects.
The good news is that the extension community is actually pretty adept at self-policing. Most extensions that are truly "broken" (for instance, they crash your browser or suck up all your CPU power) either get fixed quickly or simply vanish.
But some extensions are "bad" in unapparent ways, or just don't provide enough benefits to be worth running. So, in no particular order, let's look at 10 to avoid.
I'm sorry no matter what they say I'm not getting rid of Adblock Plus or PDF Download or Video Downloader or Faster Fox.... only one I'm definatly staying away from is the trojan. lol
I think the guy has been smoking a big bundle of bulls**t by stating this:
Adblock and Adblock Plus
Obviously, we have some bias when it comes to ad-blocking extensions, as Computerworld is an ad-supported site. We also understand that these are very popular extensions. But if everyone blocked ads, how would sites such as ours continue to offer content free of charge?
Sure he would of course like the ad's being their site has them, and of course bad mouthing them is probably something that would put his job in jeopardy. Like most software even browser extensions such reviews must not be taken literally until an individual user tries out software and extensions to make up their own individual mind.
All in all it's pretty worthless article, and was a waste of time to read.
I really lost my trust on them especially in the Adblock article, why would we bother his business, it's our preferences not his, he is in no position to put that extension in the so called top 10 ff extensions to avoid. Also most are completely biased. But atleast he gave us info in the extension-cloaking Trojan
Well I agree with his comments on Fasterfox and TrackMeNot (and NoScript I just find a pain in the rear). The rest is all personal preference though IMO.
I would have added CallingID Link Advisor to that list as it has such a shocking privacy policy (or more appropriately 'lack of' privacy policy)
At the risk of being unpopular, I have to say I see exactly where he's coming from on the blocking of ads on sites that provide free software.
Unless in my computing naivety I'm missing something, if every user of these free software sites was known to be using some form of adblocking, then doesn't it follow that no advertiser would waste his money using these sites. Where would that leave them?
I wouldn't dream of blocking the ads on this site. Man, that would feel like sacrilege.
With all the free help, free advice, and free software I've obtained by being a member of this forum, not withstanding the unusual but still valued friendships that seem to develop over the ether, it's a very small price to pay to have commercial ads somewhere on the page.
Surely if they weren't needed they wouldn't be there.
Anyway, have to tell it as I see it, and IMHO this particular forum is an amazing place, and even though it may be abused by some, and taken for granted by others, (not the regulars I hasten to add), I'm more than happy to look at the ads while I'm here.