The tickbox for Shutdown After Cleaner is still sticky in CCleaner v4.10.4570, meaning if enabled it remains enabled until manually unticked. Is this supposed to be the behaviour of that newish feature in the GUI to remain enabled?
I am at least happy to find out that /AUTO /SHUTDOWN via a command line works again as intended!
I believe the shutdown option is mrant to be sticky (as most who want shutdown after want it always). My reason for thinking this is that the check is in options and not in the ccleaner section.
If that's the case the one thing the GUI version of it needs is something more robust such as a countdown timer with say 15 or 30 seconds by default until it will shutdown without user interaction of course a Cancel button would be nice too.
It could seriously use more options (as long as those not already in the command-line version would make it into there also), such as:
Agree as there is a countdown that shutdown for commandline uses that I would think could be implemented
Note that I'm using the freeware portable version, and I've never seen a countdown timer in it. But then again I'm also on XP so that may explain something.
-l : Logs off the current user, this is also the defualt. -m ComputerName takes precedence.
-s : Shuts down the local computer.
-r : Reboots after shutdown.
-a : Aborts shutdown. Ignores other parameters, except -l and ComputerName. You can only use -a during the time-out period.
-f : Forces running applications to close.
-m [\ComputerName] : Specifies the computer that you want to shut down.
-t xx : Sets the timer for system shutdown in xx seconds. The default is 20 seconds.
-c “message” : Specifies a message to be displayed in the Message area of the System Shutdown window. You can use a maximum of 127 characters. You must enclose the message in quotation marks.
-d [u][p]:xx:yy : Lists the reason code for the shutdown.