Is there any way to tick only files of the same type? I.e. only Unrecoverable files or only Excellent files? This would help to select a category only and decide what to do with it.
Sorry for my poor English. My best compliments for such a cool and very useful software!
Yes. Click on the State column to sort in Excellent, Poor, etc order. Then highlight the first excellent, hold down shift, and tick on the last excellent. Then right click and click on Check Highlighted. Then decide what to do with it! Rgds.
I think he Ramses means a faster, easier way of selecting them. There can be hundreds of thousands of files found by Recuva and simply scrolling down the list is not easy. You could seemingly go right by it, but in reality be hundreds of lines off. A feature to select all of a certain category, in essence a more powerful search than what it already has, would be a good thing. That way you could also select everything from a single day.
Yes, but why would you want to do that more than say, once or twice in your life? If you need regular mass secure deletions or recoveries of hundreds or thousands of files then perhaps there's a better way of managing your pc. Secure deletion is far better done with a different application (say CC?) and recovery after deletion is inherently unstable. If you want to wash your disk use a disk washer. This isn't what Recuva is designed to do, or does very well.
Maybe you've deleted something you need, but the filename has changed and you can't tell what it is, so you recover everything from that day and look through them. Or you deleted something some time ago and can't remember the name, but know it was a few days ago. Maybe you want to make sure everything from a specific day can't be recovered. CCleaner's secure deletion is nice, but it only works before things are "permanently" deleted. Recuva works after the fact, a very useful time.
How about this as a similar suggestion, building on the improved search I brought up earlier. We could use the ability to recover files from a specific directory. I know Recuva can give the tree view, but that gets broken up into a question mark and the drive you scanned, and you still will have to wade through files. It would be a lot easier if we could have it only show the files of a certain folder and from that recover what we want. Once again, if you forgot the name of a file, but this time know where it was. Or maybe you just don't want the files from a certain folder, such as the temp folders, to be displayed.
That way you could also select everything from a single day.
Just sort in date order, then select.
It would be a lot easier if we could have it only show the files of a certain folder and from that recover what we want. Once again, if you forgot the name of a file, but this time know where it was.
Use the Filename or Path option.
I think we have a fairly wide selection capability, but I guess the developers are the referees. Rgds.
As I already mentioned, the lists can get so long that scrolling to find a specific spot becomes very difficult. Even for a single day, depending on what you did that day, or what temp files the OS made and deleted.
Use the Filename or Path option.
I didn't know you could do that with paths, I always just saw it as a simpler search. Thanks for pointing that out, and I apologize for these next suggestions, just trying to think of ways to make it more user friendly. How about a small GUI for that, like what Defraggler has to defrag a specific folder with the tree view, so you don't have to put in the entire address. A bookmark ability, whereby you can add to the default searches of pictures, documents, videos and music would also be nice.
I think we have a fairly wide selection capability, but I guess the developers are the referees. Rgds.
Good point. They are the final judges, if they want to make these suggestions real then it will happen. If they don't like them, then they won't.
Yep. I think it also shows that we use our pcs in widely (or wildly) varying ways - what one user thinks is a brilliant tweak another user will never need. Rgds.
Guest_Jim: you've red inside my mind! Everything of what you said is exactly what I meant. It would be a pity for such a good tool not to grow as users like.