The Olympics probably wouldn't be so annoying to me if not for NBC's constant, overproduced, annoying commercials appearing every 10 seconds for the last 3 weeks.
The Olympics probably wouldn't be so annoying to me if not for NBC's constant, overproduced, annoying commercials appearing every 10 seconds for the last 3 weeks.
I would watch the Olympics however with so many commercials I instead do the usual and play a PS2 game. I think live sporting events such as the Olympics, Formula 1, ChampCar, etc., should be without commercials. And what's worst is commercials have increased in length and frequency in the past few years, hence the reason I record any t.v. show I want to watch and have done so for the past ten or so years just so that I can skip through all the commercials with s**t I wouldn't buy and couldn't careless to see on my t.v.
I used to play American football (I'm irish before anyone comes out with 'so ...?'), and I also wonder how a game that should last an hour (2 hr inc. breaks - tops) can be made to last 4+ hours on Superbowl night ???
Actually, just realised it's a 4 hours Budweiser advert !!
Heh. Yeh, Olympics sucks, I wont ever watch it.
Also, there is too much commercials, not only on Olympics, but on everything on TV, that is why I almost never watch TV.
The Olympics are on? I don't watch reality TV.
I like Simpsons, Family Guy, CSI. And Discovery Channel, but rest stuff sucks on TV. There rarerly is anything good on TV.
Just commercial and programs for the broad mass of dumb retards that like to watch soap operas and Big Brother, Paradise Hotel and silly s**t.
I like Simpsons, Family Guy, CSI. And Discovery Channel, but rest stuff sucks on TV.
Ne'er were truer words spoken. Family Guy rocks! I also like ATHF (even though most people think it's retarded). But I almost never watch TV; I really only watch movies or episodes of the aforementioned on DVD.
Discovery & History and Speed Channel,CSI a good old movie when you can find one that has a plot you cant figure out in the first 5 min. Other than that regular TV isn't worth wasting time on. As far as the Winter Games goes I have it on in the house but just have selected events I watch. Prefer the Summer Games.
Battlestar Galactica (the new series), Formula 1, World Rally Championship, and that's it. T.V. sucks anymore, too many crappy ass stupid reality T.V. shows that make me want to pitch-vomit I hate them all. If only some T.V. shows similiar the 70's and 80's would appear, I royally miss shows that had tons of car chases in them.
...I royally miss shows that had tons of car chases in them.
Blues Brothers (the original) = best car chase scene ever! Not to mention it is one of the greatest movies ever made.
Airplane!! would be the best movie ever made
edit:IPB sucks horseshit for removing the ! that i had put in the link.
Airplane!! would be the best movie ever made
Oh yeah, almost forgot about that one!
"Don't call me Shirley!"
Definitely good stuff. Something about cheezy, low-budget movies that I just love. In fact, I think that should be a new thread!
i'm not watching them at all
I have been watching a few of the sports, mainly to see when people crash and fall, ifs ****ing hilarious when they do . As i live in the UK and the Olympics are on the BBC who have a licence fee there are no adverts
so no such problem over here.