With out starting a political debate on the war, but this is just wrong http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8476381.stm
I don't think he'll ever see the light of day from the hole they'll detain him in for life. I suspect he'll be held accountable for any deaths his phony device was "supposed to protect against."
He should be executed.
He should be executed.
If he was a U.S. citizen and sold those fake detectors I'd have 99.999% confidence he would be. And charged for all sorts of crap that would further insure he'd be put down.
It does not operate by battery, instead promotional material says it is powered only by the user's static electricity.
lol are people stupid?? anyone who thinks you can power eletrical equipment using static need their heads checking.
Richard S.
lol are people stupid?? anyone who thinks you can power eletrical equipment using static need their heads checking.
Sounds about as credible as selling water-pistols off as 'ray-guns' doesn't it? No, wait .... where did I read that now?
Which government dept/agency was supposed to be testing this stuff?
Which government dept/agency was supposed to be testing this stuff?
Well all know how they "follow through on stuff," which has cost thousands of people their lives. That's extremely harsh, but so true.
With out starting a political debate on the war, but this is just wrong http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8476381.stm
Yes ident, it is very wrong as you say........hang the "barsteward" I say.
Unfortunately he will probably get a slap on the wrist, the story will be placed in the middle of the newspapers the next day, then they will send the $%^#&$%& out here to Australia or to the States with a different name just like some of the WW2 "crims".
You know what's messed up with this whole saga, some people actually claim this piece of garbage really does work lol.
more info on this crapware - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ADE_651
Richard S.
You know what's messed up with this whole saga, some people actually claim this piece of garbage really does work lol.
more info on this crapware - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ADE_651
Richard S.
Best bet would be to buy him an airline ticket to Iraq or Pakistan, have the local Iraqi or Pakistani security forces meet him at the Airport. I am informed that they both provide an excellent Taxi service and I am sure will provide him with an equally excellent tour of "down town"...............good bye sunshine.............save us heaps in legal fees and prison food.
My two penneth?
There has to be someone on the receiving end of this "deal", and may they get there just rewards one day.
My two penneth?
There has to be someone on the receiving end of this "deal", and may they get there just rewards one day.
Lets hope so. My friend and old class mate was shot in the neck just before x-mas r.i.p
And you know what his last facebook message was.
"we are running low on kit, i guess thats life in the army"