As I am on a mission, mainly a learning curve with XP being that I like to thin out the useless parts that I don't use.
I thought it may be of interest to some.
Warning: I would not attempt this without a decent backup system such as ghost or true image!
Just the other day day I spotted coupla old pc's in a bulk garbage bin and managed to score a an old working 3 gig drive!
So decided to hook it up as master, format and install XP inFat 32 which I haven't tried before.
Well the drive was OK and after installing the hibernation was turned off by default,sys32 dll cache was kept to a mininum.Instead of the 2,5000 files @ 450 meg it was only a coupla megs in size.
Only prob was the old drive was so slow that I ghosted an image to my 40 gig 7200rpm spare and the hooked it up as a slave to my 120 gig master and am booting from it through bios.
The speed is as good as if not better than booting from my main 120 gig master.
Screenies of the different installation methods after a perfect disk run.
Both partitiuons roughly the same size with between 800 -900- meg of data on each.
Notice the MFT with NTFS file system?