thinks it has updated, but hasn't

I wanted to manually check if there were any updates for CCleaner (I disable automatic updates, otherwise, if each software does its own checks, it consumes network, cpu, ram for nothing...), there was indeed an update, I clicked on ok to install it, and directly on next, but I read too fast, there was apparently something else installed. So I cancelled immediately to start again, but now CCleaner is telling me it's OK, I've got the update, even though it only lasted a second. This gives me the impression that the very beginning of the update changes the version number, and then downloads the software to install it, but stopping it immediately prevents installation, and lets the software think it's up to date. It's almost a security flaw... ;)

It isn't clear what you are saying there.

What is it that makes you now think that CCleaner hasn't actually updated?

If you now have CCleaner v6.26.11169 then that is the latest version.

Usually, to update CCleaner, it takes at least 20-30 seconds (I don't remember how much exactly, but it takes a little time). Here, I click ok to update, and stop just one second after. I wanted to click to update again (because I stopped the process) but it says to me that CCleaner is up to date. Seems strange...

I just put you this information here, if you want to reproduce it (I can't, because, I don't know where to download old version of CCleaner, to try again update), you cand do as you want, testing it or ignoring it ;)

Do you normally use Custom Clean or Health Check?

If your CCleaner has updated to v6.26 then you should notice some changes in some of the Health Check screens following the update.

PS. We don't normally get complaints that a CCleaner update was too quick, only if it was too slow.

If you want to be absolutely sure that you have the update then download a fresh installer and reinstall v6.26.

There is no need to uninstall your current version first, whatever it is.

(If you currently have CCleaner Pro installed then the new install will automatically pick up the licence key if you don''t uninstall first).

You can download an installer from here, and once downloaded just double click "ccsetup626/exe" to reinstall CCleaner: <a href="" ipsnoembed="true" rel="external"></a>

ok, i took some screen copy before, of custom clean an health check, then reinstalled ccleaner, so as to compare with first screens, they seem similar, no difference.

Maybe install was very quick, or continue after I click to stop?

I dont complain because it was too quick, but because it seems to be updated although I click to cancel, so was there a problem? I just wanted to inform you.

It's ok for me ;)

That's fine. As you have reinstalled then you have the latest CCleaner, v6.26.

Just why you previous update seemed to be so quick for you I have no idea,

I've never tried to cancel one so can't realy comment on that either.

PS. If/when CCleaner does offer you something else then you have to click on something before it will download or install it.

It pauses and doesn't do anything without a click from you.

it either has big 'Decline' and 'Accept' buttons, or a 'Download' button with 'No thanks' underneath it, Like these:

<img alt="image.png.cf017183d92fdfb4d99463fb9503c5" class="ipsImage" data-ratio="69.50" height="693" width="1000" src="">
