Well here we have it, the Menu of Britain today.
Starter :-
Unbelievable incompetent Management to the detriment of the population.
A national debt that is second only to the USA in the entire World of £1,340 billion at an annual interest rate of £43 billion.
Main course :-
Uncontrolled benefits generosity of approx. £7,500 billion per year and priority given to foreigners over and above our indigenous population.
An obsession with Empire and power, that is no longer a factor. We are just an insignificant tiny island and no longer a World power.
The attitude of look after everybody else in the World before the UK.
An annual grant of over £8,000 billion to Overseas countries who only spend it on ruling party luxuries and weapons at a time of great economical restraint in the UK.
A complete and utter disregard for our own people and their plight.
The deployment of UK military personnel to be killed and maimed on matters that are none of our business.
Dessert :-
Uncontrolled Immigration that lets anybody in to our country regardless of medical checks and practical legality, resulting in 15%+ of our population being of foreign origin, mostly Asian or African. Cultures which are alien to the British way of life and result in destroying our national heritage.
Uncontrolled entrance to Asylum Seekers and European migrant workers.
Turning a blind eye to illegal immigrants.
Coffee :-
Just about anything else that gives our money away to those who do not deserve it and the complete destruction of a previously proud and powerful nation.
Summary :-
If anybody wishes to complete their days in British comfort, then they must live in a beautiful rural area free from destruction, in the remnants of our desecrated land, have no TV and be devoid of newspapers. Then you can achieve a virtual traditional British life by behaving like an Ostrich.