The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection REGISTRY BUG

Ok,it's my first post,so be patient.I just want to help you guys to find and fix this issue . So after scanning registry files with ccleaner version 5.02.5101 i figured out that my Sims 2 don't work any more,it displays this error "The Sims 2 is not installed on this system, or some required files have been deleted. This expansion pack requires The Sims 2 in order to run. Please install The Sims 2 before attempting to run this application." I got the game from origin for free,and because it happened to me before,and i fixed tihis issue by opening origin client and in "my games" tab right clicking the game and pressing "fix the game".And that did the job,but today it happened again and i figured this out so i came here to report it to you guys.Thank you all!

Files that ccleaner scanned and assumed that they need to be fixed on this screenshot



Can't see the screenshot.

If it's files that are being deleted Exclude them:

Go into Options > Exclude > Add > Drive or Folder > Browse to the path of your game.

If it's registry settings that are being deleted Exclude them:

Go into Options > Exclude > Add > Registry Key > Then input the Registry settings path of your game.