The licence renewed too early


I have renewed my licence today, on 05.01.2022, and my previous one had expiration date 05.03.2021. I have expected that my new licence will be valid until 05.03.2023 but this is unfortunately not so. She is valid only until 05.01.2023. I think this is not fair, because I have practically gifted two months, and of course that is something that I didn't want to do, at least one has to be warned what happened if the licence is renewed before the previous one is getting expired. This is something that I never experienced actually. Can my licence be extended until 05.03.2023 and if yes, how?

Thanks a lot

The extra 2 months remaining on the existing licence will/should get added to the new one.

That process happens automatically, <em>but it isn't instantaneous</em>. The merging robot runs twice a day so it may take a few hours (at very busy times a few days) before you see it has happened.

There are 2 reasons why it may not happen automatically though:

  1. If you use a different email to purchase/renew than the email used for your existing licence.
  2. If there are more than 90 days left on the existing licence.

In either of those 2 cases it is assumed that you wanted a new licence for a different computer.

In those cases (or if for some other reason the automatic merging doesn't happen in a couple of days) you can still get the remaining time added to the new licence by emailing and asking for a 'Licence Merge'.