The fight for the $50 laptops.

Did you all hear about this on the news a few days ago? These parents actually went to their children's school and got in fist fights over the computers they were selling. (Even has video of the stampede.)

even more video:

Seems to be the theme these days.

"Next week parents fight over moldy bread, and stale wine."

Can you imagine the next day at school?

"Thats the kid whose dad hit my dad in the head with a chair"


"Thats the kid whose mom pissed in her pants so she wouldn't loose her place in line"

This is just madness, it's the same thing as the parents who fight at their kids sporting events. I just don't get the type of person who would be apart of these types of incidents. Sure I might have gone and stood in a 30 minute line but I would not have been apart of an all out brawl.

Well the $50 laptop incident can be summed up in one little nasty word: Greed

sounds great. maybe ill have to get myself one!

i sold a $50 laptop for $300 to someone. they actually paid that much, and it was completely stuffed!