Ok so some of you hopefully remember that laptop I was trying to fix...the one with the bum hard drive. Well, on MY laptop, I have 2 more keys that are intermittently working now, bringing the total up to 4. Gets annoying in a big way. So, I was thinking of popping out the hard drive on my laptop, and putting it into that other laptop. Aside from me physically breaking something in the process, there really shouldnt be a problem with me doing that, right? I mean, theoretically it should work just like putting a hard drive from a PC into another PC, correct? I dont mess with laptops too often, so any fixes make me nervous. But it should work, right?
Are they the exact same ones? You are forgetting something obvious if they aren't. Drivers will be a huge problem if the laptops aren't identical.
Not not the same. Figured I would download whatever drivers were necessary, like I did with my old computer...
If you're running a pre-installed OEM copy of Windows then switching hard drive from machine to machine would invalidate your product activation.
Richard S.
Meaning it won't run correctly? Or just that I won't be able to do updates?
You cannot login to the desktop it will log you straight out, furthermore the activate keys supplied with each laptop (sticker) won't work because OEM versions also require the correct BIOS ID string for identification.
You can still use Safe Mode to access files but this mode disables your sound, network and display drivers.
Richard S.
Meaning that you wont be able to update and that windows will treat your copy of the OS as invalid. This could mean fun things like your computer restarting every so often(vista and 7 only I think). Or it may not work at all depending on the hardware differences. (it could just crash on start up)
Probably better to just buy a hard drive for that other laptop ($40 or so) and reinstall windows if you have the discs or buy a copy($100) or even use linux(free).
Are the keys on that laptop sticking? If so you could try popping them off and cleaning underneath them.
I swear I just can't win no matter how hard I try. I guess I'll just be using the laptop with non-working keys (it's XP by the way). They don't stick. Everything is very clean..no dust, nothing has ever been spilled, etc. They just have fits where they won't work now.
Can't afford to buy anything at all...no hard drive, no new keyboard or number pad, and definitely no new OS. I can't even finance a trip to the mailbox at this point. So I give up. lol Thanks guys.
If you got a Goodwill I bet you can find a cheap keyboard for literally $5.
You can also shop at a computer expo sale and find stuff dirt cheap, some of it may even be brand new.
Hi Lulu.
If your laptop has the original copy of XP [OEM], you should be able to get rid of your drivers, then install the hard drive on the new laptop following the instructions in this thread: http://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=42051
If both laptops are the same make you should not have any activation problems .. use the keys on the bottom of the laptops - if you do have a problem phone Microsoft Activation and say you had a hard drive failure.
edit I forgot that you are not doing a reinstal, just a drivers swap, so you would not need he key on the bottom of your laptop
Ooohh you're awesome! I think I'll be trying that. Thanks!!
Some notes.. back up your stuff
make a folder and name it what ever the new laptop will be called eg bobs
download all the drivers for "bobs" and put them in the bobs folder.
The wired and wireless nics are very handy to have working on the new laptop. Make an effort to get the right drivers.
Back up back up your stuff
Oh I'll backup everything, don't worry. I can't afford to have everything go kaput on me. lol