Thanks for the 200 email notifications

Just had my email inbox fill up with notifications for every post ever created in the announcements section ?

EDIT: And they're STILL coming. About 250, over last 5 hours <span class="ipsEmoji">?</span>

Notifications have been hit-or-miss lately. I haven't got any in about two weeks. Are you getting old ones you've read already? Dave should see this thread and inform us mods what's up and we'll inform everyone else (or he'll just inform everyone, he does things like that).

But, from someone who can't do anything about it, sorry for the deluge.

22 minutes ago, Nergal said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Notifications have been hit-or-miss lately.  I haven't got any in about two weeks.  Are you getting old ones you've read already?  Dave should see this thread and inform us mods what's up and we'll inform everyone else (or he'll just inform everyone, he does things like that).

		But, from someone who can't do anything about it, sorry for the deluge.

I'm getting one for every thread ever started in the announcements section.

A small selection (there's 212 in total, so far):


Same problem here.. I have had well over 200 now of same type of emails. 3 batches so far I have deleted.

You would be getting these notifications because you are set to follow the announcements forum when there are new posts ... and for some reason, every single announcement in there has gone and cloned itself thereby creating a "new" message. Chances are that the emails have already been queued for sending but will see if there is a kill switch somewhere.

Well it SEEMS to have stopped now, none for the last two hours ?

The experts are all in bed at the moment, but given that this did not seem to happen to any of the early announcements or to other forum areas I suspect it was the "Mr G" announcement robot going nuts on reposting for some reason. It has been a little cantankerous of late. @Ben CCleaner is, amongst other things, our resident robot wrangler and he will check to make sure that it hasn't become self-aware and planning to go Skynet on all of us.

1 hour ago, Dave CCleaner said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		The experts are all in bed at the moment, but given that this did not seem to happen to any of the early announcements or to other forum areas I suspect it was the "Mr G" announcement robot going nuts on reposting for some reason.  It has been a little cantankerous of late. <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/82406-ben-ccleaner/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="82406" href="<___base_url___>/profile/82406-ben-ccleaner/" rel="">@Ben CCleaner</a> is, amongst other things, our resident robot wrangler and he will check to make sure that it hasn't become self-aware and planning to go Skynet on all of us.

Well it does have a habit of sending 2 email notifications for any new post there, but 200 (or 212 to be precise) is a little OTT ?

4 hours ago, JDPower said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		Well it does have a habit of sending 2 email notifications for any new post there,<span class="ipsEmoji">?</span>

Just an assumption but perhaps you're getting two because someone later edits the annoucement with the checksums/hashes (MD5, etc.,) of the downloads.

Months ago I got so tired of seeing notifications in my email that I set up a spam filter for them so they go directly into the spam folder and don't consume any of my allocated lowly 2 or 3 MB amount on my free email since trying to configure my settings on the forum are completely ignored and always send them. But as of late I haven't been getting hardly any.

I spoke too soon, another 34 emails this morning ?

JD you will just have to accept the fact that Piriform loves you :)

1 hour ago, hazelnut said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		JD you will just have to accept the fact that Piriform loves you <img alt=":)" data-emoticon="" height="20" src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/default_smile.png" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20"></p>

I know I don't come here much anymore, but this is going too far ?

You should be able to stop it by turning off your 'follow' for the Announcements sub-forum:

Go to the Announcements forum and click on the 'Follow' box.


Then either - 'Do not send me any notifications' - or 'change how the notification' is sent and turn off the email option.

13 hours ago, Andavari said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		Just an assumption but perhaps you're getting two because someone later edits the annoucement with the checksums/hashes (MD5, etc.,) of the downloads.

Exactly this.

Aaaand the inbox overload has started AGAIN. About 100 emails so far, and still coming ?

We did have a thing with double 'digest' emails recently but that was fixed and hasn't reappeared.

Let me check my email inbox though.

You can always go to your profile and turn off all email notifications.

2 hours ago, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		We did have a thing with double 'digest' emails recently but that was fixed and hasn't reappeared.

		Let me check my email inbox though.

		You can always go to your profile and turn off all email notifications.

I have done now (160 notifications in), but not ideal as I subscribe there for notifications of Piriform updates and I can't be the only one subscribed there getting an email fired at them for every post ever made, for a second time (And on a side note, surely risks email servers deciding piriform emails are spam due to volume being fired out)

Not sure but I think it's probably an Invision issue rather than Piriform.

The forum software is acting buggy, I reported it.

Look at the main page the announcements is showing really old topics as "new" again like CCleaner v4.05 from 2013. Perhaps just spam block them in your email (I did long ago) to solve it once and for all.