Testimonial: Recuva rocks!

I just wanted to post and thank Piriform for creating this free and fantastic tool!

While merging a set of directories, a file containing about 2 months of critical data was overwritten with an older (but newer timestamped) version. Of course this occurred on a new computer that hadn't had backup software installed yet.

Because this wasn't discovered until 2 days later and because the file wasn't deleted in the traditional manner, I had very little hope of recovering the data. For the heck of it, I installed Recuva, ran it, and restored a couple files that had matching names. Lo and behold, one of them was the exact file that had been replaced! Words cannot describe my relief and joy!

Now it's time to hit that Paypal donation link and then finish installing the backup client. :)

Nice when someone posts with a success.

Welcome to the forum seren :)