Hi all , can someone please tell me what are/is the acceptable temp,s on a laptop computer, Tks
there will be a few variables like processor type, make/model of laptop and fan/exhaust layout, power settings, motherboard type etc etc etc.
but GENERALLY speaking, a laptop should hover anywhere from 400C to maybe as high as 700C.
it's fan should rev higher to compensate for any increase in processor demand and therefore heat generated - up to a point.
the easiest way to tell if the unit is overheating is that it should simply shut itself off to prevent any damage caused by over-stressing the electronics.
do you have a temperature reading?
Hi , yes the temps are : intel core 41 c, :motherboard ( ranges from ) 43--47 C : storage 32 C . I run a Hp Envy , only 4 months old and i am not all that good with computers . I have never heard of what the temps shoulb be as i only spotted this Speccy thingo last night and downloaded it on this computer , also put it on an old Toshiba a300 running vista home premium and it was this unit that keeps crashing when i use the battery and the power adaptor at the same time so i was interested re: temps . I have just pulled it to bits and got rid of all the dust and fluff and it runs cooler than the HP . The adaptor on the Toshiba checks out with the multi-meter so it could be the crossover thingo . Any way a Big thanks , i know just a little bit more than i did yersterday ( i,m 71 and still learning ) hope 2016 treats you well .
those temps are bang on the money.
and a big welcome to the forum.
glad to have you onboard.
@the bush jazzman.
Well done at de-fluffing your machine
Can you pop over and do mine tomorrow
Just kidding, as mta said, welcome to the forums.