Temporary Internet Files

Greetings all. I am new to this board so please forgive me if I'm not posting in the correct location.

I have recently started to use CCleaner and was wondering if there is a feature available (or setting) that would allow me to exclude certain files / locations from being cleaned?

Specifically, I have several users that connect via an extremely slow EVDO link to a corporate webpage. The webpage has embedded content that takes them 10 seconds to normally download. The content is downloaded to the Temporary Internet Cache. I have been using CCleaner and now users are complaining that the content downloads are sometimes 2 minutes. I told them to stop whining but management didn't like that answer. :rolleyes:

Any advice / suggestions would be greal appreciated.


Greetings Xier,

Yes, there is a setting which allows either files or folders (or both) to be excluded from the cleaning process. Open CC, select Options - Exclude, and then add the files/folders to be excluded.

I'm not sure how this will work with Temp Internet files as I've never used this feature, so I suggest you try it. Your biggest problem might be in identifying and then listing all the files you wish to exclude.

Alternatively just untick theTemp Internet Files box on the Cleaner page. This is far easier than trying to exclude stuff, but you will, I guess, have to have a clear-out some time.

If all you want to exclude just the Temporary Internet Files from being deleted, then all you really need to do is:

  1. Open CCleaner
  2. Under Internet Explorer, uncheck Temporary Internet Files

You can exclude specific directories from being cleaned:

  1. Open CCleaner
  2. Click on Options (left panel)
  3. Click on Exclude
  4. Click on Add Folder
  5. Browse to the directory that you do not want to be cleaned
  6. Test

Thank you for all the responces. Looks as if I will have to exclude them manually. I was prepared for that, just wanted to be a bit lazy.

Thank you all again.

Kind regards...
