I recently upgraded to the AMD R7 2700X CPU and it seems that Speccy Pro 1.32.740 is reading the CPU temp at 60C higher.
Confirmed this against AMD Ryzen Master, Core Temp 1.12.1, and HWInfo, all three show the CPU temp running 60C lower.
This is a new Windows 10 install, ver 1803, with all updates/drivers applied. I just noticed the program is reporting the CPU as Summit Ridge when it's a Pinnacle Ridge chip.
Here's a comparison:
Not sure if it will help, I've attached a Register dump from Core Temp.
My apologies for replying to an old topic but has this ever been resolved? I've relied on Speccy for many years for my temperatures but it's recently been reporting 55C+ when idle on my CPU and this concerned me.
I noticed that some tech YouTubers use HWMonitor PRO so I downloaded HWMonitor (not the PRO) and I can confirm that the GPU and Storage devices report the correct temperatures but the CPU isn't quite right.
Speccy at the current moment is reporting a very consistent 57C on all 8 cores of my Ryzen 7 1800x CPU but HWMonitor is reporting a 37 to 46.
I’m haveing the same issue. I just built a new rig with the Ryzen 7 2700x and bios says everything is under 50 degrees C but in speccy it says my cpu temp is 104-113 degrees C and it freaked me out a little till I saw other people having this issue as well.
I am having this issue too. (Ryzen 7 2700 ) Speccy reports 87 C but MSI comnmand cenrtre and the BIOS report 38 C. Had the same freaking out experience as Lostindeadspace.
I bought a Ryzen 2700x today and installed it. I panicked when I saw the temperature readings on the first boot until checking the temp with the bios and then CoreTemp. (note: beware of bundled apps when installing CoreTemp)
However, I figured out the issue. It's displaying the correct number of degrees, but it's displaying C when it should be F.
Run Speccy and CoreTemp side by side but in the CoreTemp settings check "Display temperatures in Fahrenheit". You'll see the numbers are the same even if the unit of measurement is grossly incorrect.
I have the same issue, new ryzen 2700x build, properly applied thermal paste (more than enough), high end cpu air cooler (Dark Rock Pro 4) and I get 90-120 C while in Msi Bios it says 32-38 C. I also had the same problem with my older cpu (A8 6600k) and also the vram of my Gtx 1060 6gb is shown as 2048mbs. I hope they fix this problems.
Even if they released a fix it would eventually get out of date relatively soon because of new hardware, and BIOS updates. it's the kind of tool that needs continual updates.
Same issue here with Speccy version 1.32.740 on Windows 10, running Ryzen 7 2700X with Gigabyte X470 AORUS GAMING 7.
This setup is not even a year old. 3 other temperature gauges reporting half of what Speccy gives. Good to know I didn't put too little thermal paste or have a crappy fan.
The exact same thing has happened to me on my new system, I was selling my graphics card, the guy asked me to install speccy so he could check that it was the right on and I was shocked to see my cpu readings at 105c after finishing an r6 siege benchmark so I opened core temp to check and that reported a max of 59c.
Its NOT Fahrenheit. When i get a true temp of 43C Speccy shows 107C degrees and after switching to Fahrenheit i get something like 226F (Ryzen 7 2700X).
I had a similar Problem on my AMD A8 6600K before. I would bet this affects only AMD and Intel is paying for it as usual. Intel style marketing.
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Speccy is showing Fahrenheit temperatures, but identifying them as Celsius. 40<b>°</b>C<span style="text-align:left;text-transform:none;text-indent:0px;letter-spacing:normal;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:400;text-decoration:none;word-spacing:0px;white-space:normal;float:none;"> is 104</span><b>°</b>F<span style="text-align:left;text-transform:none;text-indent:0px;letter-spacing:normal;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:400;text-decoration:none;word-spacing:0px;white-space:normal;float:none;">. I recommend Coretemp, it uses the sensors inside each core.</span>
My reading is 91C and if I change to Fahrenheit it reads 196F so it's not that the wrong scale is used.
Speccy is apparently a bit crappy on the CPU temperature reading. All other temperature readings are ok.
In my BIOS it reads about 40C.
Seems to be a combo of Speccy and the Ryzen 7 2700X ??
Looks like this issue still hasn't been solved. AMD Ryzen 7 2700x here as is the case with many of those here. It's a little difficult to believe that every other piece of monitoring software I've tried gets a CPU temp value that is at least very close to what the BIOS shows but the developers of this piece of software can't fix the problem after roughly four years.
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Its NOT Fahrenheit. When i get a true temp of 43C Speccy shows 107C degrees and after switching to Fahrenheit i get something like 226F (Ryzen 7 2700X).
I had a similar Problem on my AMD A8 6600K before. I would bet this affects only AMD and Intel is paying for it as usual. Intel style marketing.
<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" data-fileext="png" data-fileid="13453" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2020_05/SpeccyFail3.png.6a95001f95e0e4ab14dd307e1741efd3.png" rel=""><img alt="SpeccyFail3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="13453" data-ratio="44.2" width="1000" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2020_05/SpeccyFail3.thumb.png.df899fe203a97f0af11d8dad2d5cb357.png"></a>
For me with a ryzen 5 2600x Speccy is showing 97 deg C when bios is nearer 35/6 deg C. If you convert the speccy number to celcius you get the corect value, so speccy is definitley showing farenhiet temps with celcius units, however when changing speccy to farenheit units temperatures rise accordingly, suggesting speccy is reading farenheit as celcius and then "converting" that to farenheight if you ask speccy to chnage units.