Temp Files

On a new install, Windows 7 pro (OEM) doesn't clean temp files.

In the past I changed Environmental Variables for temp and tmp to C:\temp

This has worked for every install but this one including XP.

I like all temp files to be in one place which help searching for temp files all over the place.

Anyone have idea why Ccleaner can't find them ?



Don't know why under Win7. A workaround is to input your custom Temp path in:


Note that doing that means CCleaner will not respect the 24 hour don't delete rule for that Temp folder.

Thank you, I will try that. Only machine with the problm. While it shouldn't make any difference, the capitol letters were different in the two c:\temp locations Temp vs temp' . I have corrected that, uninstalled CC. Will try portable first and see what happens and then reinstall and test.

Do you know if CC uses the registry to find the Temp folders ? If it does, could be something there although everything is going to C:\ Temp the way I want.

This is only new machine, my other 4 never had a problem. Weird Windows every version !!!!!

I think that both environment varaiables and file and folder names are case insensitive,

i.e. Temp = TEMP = temp.

At my first attempt I only did half the job and only altered the "User Variables", and subsequently realised that "System Variables" also merit changing.

The consequence was that BEFORE the User has logged into Windows anything written to %TEMP% actually writes to the system drive

(Something like C:\Windows\System32\Temp\ I think - but Google probably knows for sure)

Another possible consequence might be that some application that runs before you log in (e.g. Antivirus, DropBox, etc.) might adopt that initial default as its "scratchpad".

I dread to think of Trident, the I.E. engine that is built into Windows.

Is it possible that you have also only done half the job ?

This is a simple guide with GUI screen-shots for changing both User and System variables


This is a concise guide which fits on the screen without scrolling


N.B. I first relocated my %TEMP% after a VMWARE Virtual Machine misfired and aborted.

When I closed various Windows and looked at Windows Explorer I saw a great big RED bar across system drive C:\

and I found that 12 GB of free space had been reduced to a few dozen MB due to a constipated %TEMP%.

I was thankful that Windows was still running (creeping) but feared it might never boot again with such little free space so I deleted the %TEMP% junk.

I rebooted and all was well, and I then Googled for a way to relocate %TEMP% and ensure it would never again put my system drive in jeopardy.

Found problem. It was permissions for my C:\Temp folder. One reason for changing, is that some program updates, are put into a \temp folder. Copy to a usb flash drive and run on other computers. Every other computer SP1 was an update. This one came with SP1. Could be some kind of Administrator thing.

Happynes is Windows !!