Temp file nightmare

Hello, I am having a huge problem trying to delete "IE temporary internet files". My friend asked me to speed up his wife's computer and I have found at least 3 million files stored, I suspect that it may be over 9 million. It is now 11:00 am and the cleaner has been running since 3 pm yesterday. That's over 20 hours and it doesn't look like it will stop soon. I unchecked "temp. internet files" and removed all other stuff, and then I started over with only" temp. internet files" checked. Is this normal and is there any way to speed this up? Any support wil be appreciated. victor1244

Shouldn't take that long. :o

Which CCleaner & Windows version are you (/she) using?

Are you using Secure Deletion (in CCleaner)?

Have you tried rebooting and reinstalling CCleaner? Did you have IE closed when you used CCleaner?

Can you supply more info:

* What's the operating system, i.e.; Vista (32bit), Win7 (64bit), etc?

* What's the CCleaner version, shown in CCleaner at the upper-left when it's opened

* Do you have any of CCleaner's secure deletion modes enabled


Beat to asking the questions by Nodles. ;)

Thank you for your replys. It's now 10 p.m. and the cleaner has been running for 31 hours. I am hesitant to stop

the process because I don't want to lose the 31 hours and have to start over. I am sorry to appear so naive, but

I have had some experience and have never run into something this daunting. Without stopping the process,

I will try to answer as best I can.

OS is Vista.

CCleaner is the latest that I could download on 4/30/2013.

I don't know about any deletion nodes.

I believe IE is closed at this time.

P.S. I ran malwarebytes and detected 2 trojans which were deleted,

but it just kept running and looking in the TEMP FILE for so long

that I just stopped the program.

Thank you for your input and I hope that you can help me, as I am at a loss. victor1244

stopping the program will not be a waste, what it has already processed will be deleted and if you were to restart CC it would pick up where it left off.

if this was me, i would reboot in Safe Mode and manually go to the IE temp folder and delete them myself.

then reboot normally, restart CC, check your options (like wipe free space, secure erase - things of that nature that add extra time) and rerun it.

Since that computer had malware on it you may want to look into other forums that specialize in making sure the system is in fact actually clean, see here.

Hello everyone. I want to thank you for your suggestions again, I appreciate them. What has come to pass is this, there were so many temp files that it took more than 48 hours to delete them all. That was only the internet files.System\Win\ log took over 20 hours to delete. I am astounded that there could be this many temp files on one computer. All trojans are gone, temp internet files are gone. Most of the win log files are gone, but when I run ccleaner again it sticks on 39% for some time. Thank you again, victor1244

do you know the file it is getting stuck at?

i have a custom includes and when i run CC it 'sticks' at the 35-50% mark, but it's just going through the drive looking for my includes.

do you use a ccleaner.ini file ?

Hello, I have given the computer back to my friend. All the temp internet files are gone. I still have a problem with when I run Ccleaner. I would like to see if someone can help me to understand what is happening. Thanks for all the prior help it is appreciated. Now that the temp files are gone the cleaner zips right through all IE files, Windows Explorer files and all of the system files until it gets to "Windows Log Files". The progress is reported to be 30% and it is stuck there. I belive that secure deletion and wipe free space are turned off. The file reads: "C:\windows\serviceprofiles\localservice\atpdata\local\mic.....\windowsupdate.log" . This will run like this for hours. I think there is some kind of option that is putting the files back automatically. Could this be possible. Any help or ideas will be appreciated, Thank, victor1244

CCleaner: V4.01.4093 (64-bit)

Windows Vista Home Premium (SP2)

AMD Turion 64 x 2

4.0 gb ram

HP Laptop

windowsupdate.log is locked by Automatic Updates, typically CCleaner should very quickly ignore it or any other file that is locked instead of getting stuck on locked files.

One thing to test:

1. Go into Services and Temporarily turn off the Automatic Updates service using Stop.

2. Wait perhaps 2 full minutes because Automatic Updates won't release it's grip on windowsupdate.log for awhile.

2. After waiting a couple of minutes run CCleaner again and see if it gets stuck on windowsupdate.log, it really shouldn't because with Automatic Updates temporarily stopped the file should be unlocked.

If CCleaner is still getting stuck on it, try to manually delete windowsupdate.log.

Thank you, and I will try your suggestion as soon as possible and post results. I don.t

believe that this is a "Ccleaner" problem. I am thinking it has some thing to do with windows.

Thanks again for your help. victor1244

Yes Victor, this absolutely sounds like a potential Windows issue. I would take the advice of trying to PC in safe mode if you are having a hang issue with CC. More often than not it will only hang because of locked up files, locked up hard drive, or (like your friend's PC) there are so many log entries that it is taking an extremely extended amount of time to remove those entries. Have you manually look at the Event Logs to see just how many log entries there are? Applications, Security, and System will be your three biggest offenders so I would check those three and see just how many entries there are. If there are a large amount of them (over 20,000) then that could explain the delay and you could either try and delete some yourself, or just give CCleaner an extended amount of time to do its job deleting those.

Applications, Security, and System

AFAIK these are not cleaned by ccleaner's default rules

Hello, I have an update. I have unchecked The "System\windows log files" box. Ccleaner now runs through in an acceptable time.. I have physically gone to that long file name previously mentioned and it shows "0" files are stored.

The computer is running o.k. now, so I am just going to skip the "System\windows log files" on this computer. Thank you everyone for all your help and politeness, I appreciate it, victor1244