Do you think you can include, maybe near startup cleanup or something, a way to check & remove tasks from the task manager?
I ask, because there are lately, a number of programs that add themselves to tasks to run, much like the startup items on the computer. One annoying one in particular, is Windows Genuine Advantage. If you have updates turned on, but deny it installing, it adds itself to startup to run every time you log on, prompting you to install each time you reboot windows, till either you install it, or remove the task command for it!
This is very, very, very annoying, & everyone knows that Windows Genuine Advantage is not only NOT a critical update, it is also very annoying because the first place you tend to look for it is the startup or browser helper object section!
Any chance of a way to add the ability to clean the tasks section out, just like the startup tool does? List running tasks & be able to pause or delete them?
I would love a really easy way to clean the tasks folder besides going to start/run/tasks/del key, etc! In addition, many people have a LOT of running tasks that they are never aware of! It seems that running tasks are becoming almost as bad as startup entries!
OOPS!!!! EDIT!!! NOT TASK MANAGER, BUT SYSTEM RUNNING TASKS! Sorry for the mistakes! I was tired, so forgive me. C:/Windows/Tasks
Thank you!