Task manager troubles

Do you think you can include, maybe near startup cleanup or something, a way to check & remove tasks from the task manager?

I ask, because there are lately, a number of programs that add themselves to tasks to run, much like the startup items on the computer. One annoying one in particular, is Windows Genuine Advantage. If you have updates turned on, but deny it installing, it adds itself to startup to run every time you log on, prompting you to install each time you reboot windows, till either you install it, or remove the task command for it!

This is very, very, very annoying, & everyone knows that Windows Genuine Advantage is not only NOT a critical update, it is also very annoying because the first place you tend to look for it is the startup or browser helper object section!

Any chance of a way to add the ability to clean the tasks section out, just like the startup tool does? List running tasks & be able to pause or delete them?

I would love a really easy way to clean the tasks folder besides going to start/run/tasks/del key, etc! In addition, many people have a LOT of running tasks that they are never aware of! It seems that running tasks are becoming almost as bad as startup entries!


OOPS!!!! EDIT!!! NOT TASK MANAGER, BUT SYSTEM RUNNING TASKS! Sorry for the mistakes! I was tired, so forgive me. C:/Windows/Tasks

Thank you!

Install the WGA. Its false positive detection rate is now really low.

Unless you are using a pirated copy of Windows, simply install it, run it...and don't worry about it anymore.

I don't think CCleaner will add something to help people who cracked Windows.

Install the WGA. Its false positive detection rate is now really low.

Unless you are using a pirated copy of Windows, simply install it, run it...and don't worry about it anymore.

I don't think CCleaner will add something to help people who cracked Windows.

This is not the point I was trying to make. I was only using this as an example.

Besides, it does not matter how low the rates are, the rates are still there. Even 25% is much too high. When is a 1% false detection rate good? Well, that is great! Unless you are the one that ends up in trouble. People always forget that a false positive is STILl a false positive, so low rates make them feel happy, until THEY are the ones that end up in trouble, then they start whining!

But I said that because lately, a lot of programs seem to hook into the tasks manager folder, INCLUDING malware, & I suggested it as a feature, because even I, as long as I work on them, sometimes forget that those are a place to check for loading programs, & it is also easy to forget that this is even more dangerous than a simple startup key because of the fact that most people DO NOT check there!

It is simple, easy, & very very easy to add that folder to check. I was not suggesting it as a way to promote illegal things, but only to illustrate the reason we need to have it in the first place. Malware, cleaner programs, reg editing programs, tons of programs that can hook into & use that folder for good or bad, JUST LIKE startup entries, only way more dangerous since the average user will never think to look there! It is, like a trojan horse, a backdoor, an overlooked place in security, & one that could easily be closed.

Think, how simple, how easy, add a Running Tasks manager to disable or delete tasks? That would be wonderful! Besides, I never use WGA on mine, simply because it is extra trash, & I don't need anything running on my pc that I don't have to. I bought everything I have, so I don't see the problem! Except for freeware & open source alternatives, of course!

*Bangs head on wall in frustration.... Please! Do you see what I was trying to say now?

Heh heh! Hope this clears the confusion!

C:\Windows\Tasks, in WinXP (in Vista/7 it's C:\System32\Tasks and C:\SysWOW64 for x64 editions of Windows), is where the Tasks Scheduler stores its tasks - nothing to do with the task manager.

The problem with adding a tool to control what's in it is that lots of tasks have weird names but are system tasks/useful tasks by 3rd party software, so a lot of users would think "I need to delete everything to make my computer clean" - just look at what happens with the Registry cleaner. A malware will never hide there, unless its author is stupid. There are a lot of more secret keys that utilities like SysInternals Autoruns allow you to check that are less visible than the Tasks folder.

Please, install WGA, you'll only have to do it once, and it won't do anything except running one time - I've never seen a computer with a WGA false positive.

C:\Windows\Tasks, in WinXP (in Vista/7 it's C:\System32\Tasks and C:\SysWOW64 for x64 editions of Windows), is where the Tasks Scheduler stores its tasks - nothing to do with the task manager.

The problem with adding a tool to control what's in it is that lots of tasks have weird names but are system tasks/useful tasks by 3rd party software, so a lot of users would think "I need to delete everything to make my computer clean" - just look at what happens with the Registry cleaner. A malware will never hide there, unless its author is stupid. There are a lot of more secret keys that utilities like SysInternals Autoruns allow you to check that are less visible than the Tasks folder.

Please, install WGA, you'll only have to do it once, and it won't do anything except running one time - I've never seen a computer with a WGA false positive.

Well, I HAVE seen a few with false positives, & they had the CD case (new) + # string. Cannot be trusted. Too easy for a customer to take a pic via cell phone, use that key, become licensed user, then you use that key when you actually buy it, get home, & it won't work cause it is "pirated!"

No, I won't & I don't ever use WGA. It is annoying, I hate having it up there whether I am legit or not, & I really, really, really hate the way Microsoft lies about it being a "critical" top system update, when it really is not! A computer performs better without it than they do with it!

Ok, back to the task manager though. If it is stupid to add it because some user might not understand about this program running a schedule, then having a startup item list disabler is even more stupid because a user might accidentally unload a sound driver for HD audio, or something, that is needed to run audio! I have seen it done, so don't tell me it can't because it can & it was done by someone before I fixed it for them.

thank you!


P.S. Having MS install WGA "to be sure" you are not a "thief" is no different than having to wear a webcam monitor 24/7 just to prove your innocent of whatever crime!

You like the good ole' police state, eh!