Taking forever to defrag dive C

I'm running WinXP Home and can't seem to defrag Drive C. I've been able to defrag Drives D (40 gig) & E 160 gig with 12 gig free space). Drive C is 250 gig hard drive with 53 gigs free space. It shows it have 31% fragmentation and 918 fragmented files. After 12+ hours it still shows 0% defraged. There has been some minor changes to the amount of free space(both minor increases and decreases). I have noticed that there has been some changes in the files being defraged. I am having it move the large files also. Is it normal to take this much time the first time you use this defragger?

It's been over 24 hours with it running and there has been no change. I aborted the defragging and re-ran analyze fragmentation rate is the same. When I was watching the drive map yesterday none of the squares turned green, or yellow. Also in spite of the roughly 25% free space only 1 of the blocks is white. I notice that I didn't specify that it's a NTFS drive like the others which is was able to defrag.

I am puzzled by Defraggler showing only one white cell while you claim to have 25% free. I suggest:

1. Install Tree Size Free or Winderstat and see if they agree with your 25% free space indication.

2. Move some of your files onto other disk(s) and see if the increase in free space helps any.

3. Do a clean reinstall of Defraggler (uninstall your current copy first).