Aside from the 'Tools/System Restore' function, is it possible that CCleaner could be deleting System Restore points either during a manual clean or at (re)boot?
Almost every time I reboot, I find all my System Restore points have gone. Syste Restore IS enabled and the drive space for System Restore to use is set to 5GB.
Thank you.
Vista 32-bit Home Premium SP2
CCleaner 3.03.1366
Almost every time I reboot, I find all my System Restore points have gone. Syste Restore IS enabled and the drive space for System Restore to use is set to 5GB.
I also have Vista SP2, 32 bit and endured this issue last year -- it was not related to CCleaner.
The last time the points vanished I immediately disabled System Restore, rebooted, reenabled System restore. All fixed. ![:)]()
So even though disabling SysRstr will clear all (if any) save points anyway, after the above, new save points were still present after further reboots?
Thanks for your reply.
Yes. My points no longer vanish.
Ok, have done that, so fingers crossed.
Many thanks for the advice.
I should add: My max is set at default 20.822 GB. I don't let the size get that high because the points tended to vanish when the count was at or near max. So I try to keep the total below 10 GB by deleting oldies with CC's Sys Restore management.