System Restore

Hey, all. I'm running XP, and after a faulty DirectX update, I want to system restore. How exactly do I do so? The restore points don't show up in Windows System Restore, and the only option CCleaner gives me for its restore points is to remove them. Help?

What do you mean by faulty DirectX update??

Have you tried re-installing DirectX or ran the uninstaller from "Control Panel", "Add or Remove Programs"??

Richard S.

If System Restore isn't showing any Restore Points they could be faulty.

DirectX typically by conventional means can't be uninstalled, well not officially although in the past I've seen unofficial uninstallers for it. Usually to fix it you have to just reinstall it and of course disable any interfering programs that may bork the installation such as antivirus, firewall, etc., which is best done with your computer disconnected from the Internet.

RedHawk: Well, I was updating all my drivers, and after I updated DirectX, DxDiag's "Troubleshoot" ceased working, I started getting DirectX-related errors on startup, and IE won't load.

Thanks for the advice, Andavari. I'll give it a try.