System Restore Size

In your list of restore points can you also list the disc size of each point? The oldest point seems to grow. Thanks, Love CC and run it regularly. TOM

That seems unlikely.

What is your evidence ?

What is your version of Windows ?

Only the youngest point should grow, and growth should finish when a younger one is created.

If I delete the oldest point, and only if the oldest, and form a new point, I gain a LOT of disc space. I think the oldest point may be where previous versions are stored? Win 7.

I mostly would like to see the size of each restore point. Can CC incorporate this? Or is there a separate program that will show the sizes? TOM

This will show you the size of every Restore Point that is held in "C:\System Volume Information" in Windows XP.

I prefer the 2.5 MB portable zipped version.

This also shows me everything in that folder on Windows 7 but I do not allow System Restore to be active on my P.C.

I only tolerate the existence of "C:\System Volume Information" because Volume Shadow Storage is alleged to depend upon it.

Each Restore Point holds a snapshot of the registry when it was created, and also record of all file changes whilst it was the youngest.

In Win 7 the Sys Vol Info is a hidden and non-accessible location. I know that is where the restore is held. Your link gives me a

Page Cannot be Displayed error . Can you access it? Seems to be a big secret.


In Win 7 the Sys Vol Info is a hidden and non-accessible location.

Get this portable version. Save to a flash drive.

You won't be denied access. When you hover the Sys Vol Info files you will see the size and create date of each Restore Point.

I have TreeSize, never thot to use it. It shows zero bytes for sys restore. I must be doing something wrong.


Whoa, I think you have something. I see the right number of entries that add up to about what my total restore size is. That may be it!! Thanks, I will follow up on this.

Looks like TreeSize is better than I knew about. I usually use Folder Size.


Since the restore point size seems to be available (I was not sure it was) maybe Piriform could add the number to each line in the restore list? TOM