Swedish translation


Some comments about swedish CCleaner translation.

It?s terrible ! , who is responsible for this translation ?

- Mixed "Swenglish", for example "issues" is used.

"Fixa valda issues", terrible

- Registry cleaning = "Utsl?ppen" :blink:

- "L?mna ut avs?kningen/infattningen" ;)

- "Starta rensning"

- Small and big characters in a mess.

CCleaner is a great product and if someone translate it, do it with

normal Windows standard definitions with your country standard vocabolary

for Windows terms.

Must be some "teenage hooligan geek" responsible for this ! :P

Thanks anyway for a great product !


I agree aswell.

Some of the traslation is terrible.

Hope some one else can come up wit h a better one.

I would do it my self if I had time and was good at spelling.


Three complaints already about the Swedish Translation so far!

Private message MrG and ask him what you can do to assist.

Told You so...

/ SwedenXP B)

It rained today... :angry:

Hi I know this thread is over a year old and the translation has improved somewhat since then, but it is still poor.

I just downloaded this program today and instantly noticed the poor swedish translation too. The first thing I did was to use a program called Resource Hacker to change the translation file, making it more correct and more standardized (with some help of microsoft's software translation glossary files, and some sense of grammar).

No more separation of words that are supposed to be compound words. And the translation is more consequent, and there are no missing parts. The translation file strings are now correctly marked with the correct language code too.

I attached the corrected translation file. Just overwrite the existing one in your CCleaner directory.

I used the existing translation as a base, half of the strings or more didn't need to be changed, so if there are more translation issues, just write back.



Still after so long time still their is fault's in the translation file for Swedish. :)

In the box for Cancel - St?ller in? It should be 'Avbryt' (Abort in english), and now 3.0 I found a another fault, sorry guys you made my day, I couldn't stop laughing when I saw that, Enhets utpl?ning.... :lol: (Drive Wiper) Sounds like something are about to explode or similar, more correct should be 'S?kerhets rensning'

This is a great product, and I have used for many years,and I will still do.

Regards Mike

Please send a PM to MrRon or MrG :)