Super/Flash cookies

Just heard about Super cookies. Few questions...

Is it same as Flash cookies only?? or other types of cookies too?

I attached a screen shot of my CCleaner setting of excluded cookies. I don't remember excluding anything because I never knew about super cookies. So how these website got into excluded list on right side?

Do I need to keep these website on excluded list?

I learned that CCleaner cleans Flash/Super cookies, I saw the option. Does this mean ALL/ANY cookies, super or not, are removed by CCleaner?? Even https:// sites like banks?



the reason why you have excluded cookies is because when installing ccleaner, by default it will execute Intelligent Cookie Scan

Do I need to keep these website on excluded list?

No unless you want the website to remember your login data, you won't have to re-type your username and password when you visit that site again

So my excluded list of cookies came from Intelligent cookie scan...

Other questions not answered...

Is Super cookie same as Flash cookies? Or is Flash cookie a part of Super cookie set?

Another words, outside of CCleaner world, when someone speak of Super cookie, is it only Flash cookies?

Is the word SUper and Flash interchangeable?

I ask this very detailed and clearly because some say it's same, but some say Flash is part of Super, and there are other SUper cookie types.

I learned that CCleaner cleans Flash/Super cookies, I saw the option. Does this mean ALL/ANY cookies, super or not, are removed by CCleaner?? Even https:// sites like banks?

Does or can CCleaner remove ALL, EVERY cookies, regular/super cookies (when options selected correctly)?

Super cookies are not the same as Flash cookies - my own opinion.

See here for further info:

I also read same website, but still not answering my question.

Maybe it's just a word game..Super, flash, etc..Nobody really knows??

Anyway, the important question is this...To my knowledge, CCLeaner only cleans FLASH cookies.

Then what happens to other Super cookies (IF ANY) that are left on computer??

Anybody from CCleaner technical staff can answer this?

IF Flash is one of many Super cookies then what are some other super cookies? Examples?

Then what to do? ok to leave on computer? how to delete ALL Super cookies?

Thing is you can end up with cookies in the registry, etc. Websites can even be coded to dump a cookie from Firefox, etc., into where IE stores cookies which I've seen before many years ago when I used to visit ZDNet.


Reason I don't personally consider Flash a super cookie is because I've always been able to delete the cookies either via CCleaner or a batch file script, i.e.; nothing has ever remained.

So super cookies can be more than FLash, and it can reside other places thus difficult to clean/remove them all.

Since CCleaner only removed Flash cookies only, other Super cookies can in computer and we may NEVER know?

For a forum like this, Super cookies are used or not? I assume not, only regular cookies? (which are cleaned by CCleaner)

Can you confirm?

If you wish to have a definitive answer on this I suggest you contact Piriform. I personally think they just use ordinary cookies.

If this bothers you so much (rigid cookie control) them either use a virtual machine or a Live CD for all your browsing.

In addition to Hazelnut's suggestions, Sandboxie can help you find out if cookies are not being deleted.

If you use it, you can also use CCleaner to delete the sandbox.

You can use windows explorer to make sure the sandbox is being deleted.

A free version of sandboxie is available. After 30 days it starts to pop a nag screen.

Sandboxie and CCleaner are two softwares well worth buying, imho.

I use a Firefox Portable running sandboxed on win xp, and clean up with CCleaner. No cookies remain.

Sandboxie is here:


Bother me about cookies? NO. I only heard about different cookies few days ago, so just curious, so I ask to learn more.

I think it's ok to ask and get educated?? I hope? :):)

Maybe because I ask few times for clarification, it gave you an impression that I am really concerned about cookies. Certainly NOT the case.

I am doing fine as is, NOTHING ever happen to be so far.

I heard of Sandbox and what it can do. BUT not really for me. I am simple user only.

I don't use proxy, VPN, etc..just clean cookies with CCleaner, that's it.

Anyway, sorry to bother the forum with several questions.

I think I am done with the forum.

Nothing wrong with asking questions :)

But the forum cookies question you are best asking Piriform directly.

Nothing wrong with asking questions :)

Unless someone can easily search for answers themselves. ;)