Sun Java Deployment folder

quick question - what can write to this folder (C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment) ?

Is it only Java applications, or can anything write / store info here?

The reason I'm asking is that I'm constantly noticing files in here that I am unsure of, and I don't know if these are valid files or not - I thought only Java apps did this.



Yes, it's only Java folder. It's normal to have files in there. Most files there are in cache folder, which contains Java temp files. It's good to delete them every once a while. CCleaner cleans that folder, if you have 'Sun Java' checked under 'Applications' window.

That cache folder is also common place for viruses. So remember to keep your Java up to date.

You can also set the limit for cache or disable it completely via Java options (Start>Control Panel>Java). I have disable it completely.