summary of defragmentation


I nice suggestion should be to have a summary of what is going on in the defrag that ended, specially when scheduled defrag end. I mean, if you schedule a defrag daily or weekly in the night, it would be nice to have a report that all was running fine when you come back in the morning at your desk(the schedule defrag was running at expected hour) and the job is done with no error or something like that.

Also, what about command line option, so we can program or use it in batch, vbs or powershell script. Again the goal is to have a report at the end to know if the joib is well done (a log of the job or something like that).

Thanks in advance.

Are you using the new version? A few more stats for you now :)

I know that is a new tab with stats, but when a defrag finish, no stats are displayed automaticly (popup Windows that show stats).

And no command line options or stats in console mode.

And in the stats, no stat about the time the last defrag take, % of fragmentation leave behind, etc.

When you Schedule a defrag in the night, ask you what you want to know when you come back to your PC about the defrag that was running in the night. What kind of stats do you want to see ?