
1. An UPDATE button that just does and applies the next release.

There is no need for me to goto the web-site and then click on the download link, save to HD and then install. We all love the program, just update it! :)

2. Sort-able fields in the list of files deleted. Default = by largest file descending

Fields should be: NAME, SIZE & LAST MODIFIED DATE.

I agree with everyone that says this program is awesome! :) Here is one suggestion i can think of:

1. Can you make an msi installer for it?

Keep up the great work!!

Maybe removal of *.zip-files?

I agree with everyone that says this program is awesome! :) Here is one suggestion i can think of:

1. Can you make an msi installer for it?

Keep up the great work!!

I am another newbee! I am sure you will be able to tell that I am a novice at this sweet puter of mine. It is an older one but I am still a novice. What I am wondering is why do my Compaq Presario 5000US still have the msn IE 4 on the program files since I have gone to the IE6. I thought it would over ride the old with the new installation. I have several like that such as Adobe4 and 6? Tell this dumb ole lady [67] if I should remove them safely or just leave them in the program list.

Thank you and God Bless,

janeapris :rolleyes:

Maybe removal of zero length files and folders?

Excellent program!

Now a little suggestion of my own ;)

The custom folder option in 1.15 is fantastic ... but it lacks in one single department: CCleaner should also be able to clean subdirectories within those custom folders.

The idea is that it could cleanup after DVDDecrypter and DVDShrink --> huge files!

Thanks a bunch!

Obi Wan celeri

[qoute]CCleaner should also be able to clean subdirectories within those custom folders.[/qoute]

It does remove files in sub-directories on my system. Although the folders themselves stay intact. I hadn't used the Custom Folders cleaner before since I use a batch file for that.

[qoute]CCleaner should also be able to clean subdirectories within those custom folders.[/qoute]

It does remove files in sub-directories on my system. Although the folders themselves stay intact. I hadn't used the Custom Folders cleaner before since I use a batch file for that.

make a button to select ALL please..i am tired of checking 100+ boxes hehe


If you right click on the issues you can select all.


If you right click on the issues you can select all.


geeessss i am so dumb lol

Maybe removal of Ad-aware logs (like in Applications - Utilities - SpyBot)

Maybe removal of unused dll's?

Maybe removal of Norton Anti-virus Quarantined files?

And, if possible, the same form other anti-virus-programs, anti-spyware-programs, anti-trojan-programs. Users tend to forget that those unneeded files linger in their system.

i would like for CCleaner 2 add an entry in control panel ,if u would like 2 know how 2 do it PM =Creator ONLY=

Maybe removal of unused dll's?

[/quote=psm, Nov 15 2004, 05:52 A.M.]

I believe SpybotS&D does that very thing. Check it out.

what about the ability 2 delete specific files? i for 1 would love this..

i use vmware alot & it creates log files every time u start it, which are 1MB or so in size .. this can take up alot

CCleaner is great! The program does a very cool job of cleaning up left overs

and other crap after removing spyware from users machines.

The program still does not clean Real Player history.

I have lots of files still in the following directory after running the program.

c:\Program Files\Real\RealPlayer\History\CoolVideo.lnk

Just a suggestion for future updates.



Adding this suggestion from someone in the other forum:

Ability to clean out files from all the users so that you do not have to logon to all four (4) of the accounts and run CCleaner four (4) times.

I use this program at least 5-10 times per internet session. Gotta love it.

Brilliant ~ A PC colostomy! heh

One suggestion: :huh:

When right clicking an issue to "select all issues", the issue that was right clicked remains un-checked. Can't they just all be checked, including the issue that was right clicked? Wait a minute - I think I'm getting dizzy... :blink:


Whoops! I just figured it oot on me own...I tried right clicking on a "problem" (the text) instead of the little check box, and it seemed to check off everything - including the box next to the "problem" that was right clicked upon to check all of the boxes off, initially. Problem solved, however, I'm still thoroughly confused...and this brings me back to my original suggestion (re-revised): When right clicking an issue 'checkbox' to "select all issues", the issue that was right clicked remains un-checked. Can't they just all be checked, including the issue 'checkbox' that was right clicked?


oh yeah.....

CCleaner rawks~!