Suggestions to improve "Exclude" tab/option

I think the GUI of the tab called "Exclude" ("Settings" >> "Options" >> "Exclude") can & should be improved.

- Currently the user can't switch this "Exclude" function/feature off. To switch that feature off DF needs an extra option called (e.g.) "Enable Exclusion" on the "Exclude" tab. Then the user is able to select whether DF should defragment only a selection of e.g. folders or simply defragment EVERY (defragmented) file/folder (in spite of having a list of folders/files to be excluded).

- I also would like to see that the "Exclude" windows (on the right hand side in the picture) doesn't close when the user has added a folder or file (=clicked on "OK") to be excluded from defragging. Then the user can add another folder/file to the "Exclude" list without the need to re-open that "Exclude" window.

- Remove the "All drives" option in the "Exclude" window.

I have a proposal of how these 2 windows could look like in a next version of DF. The proposed changes are inside the 3 red boxes. See attachment.

I like that DF v2.19 allows the user to move files & folders to the end of the drive. Now DF has morphed into a good file organisation & defragmentation tool. But I think the GUI for "Defrag" still sucks. It can be improved and with some copy & paste work I have made a proposal on how the "Defrag" tab could look like in the next version of DF (v2.20 ???). I think this proposal is less confusing, more logical than the the current GUI.

Proposed changes can be found inside the rectangular red boxes.

The first line inside the top red box should read "Move files to beginning of drive during whole drive defrag (default)".