Suggestions for Autorun menu

Can you make a search field in Autorun menu like in Uninstall menu before? Sometimes it's function really needed but it's absence :(

And second thing - the Autorun menu show us programs for current user only, isn't it? Can it possible show to us autorun-programs for all users on PC when we are start CCleaner with Admin rights, grouping these programs by each user of PC?

*sorry for my Eng

Can you make a search field in Autorun menu like in Uninstall menu before? Sometimes it's function really needed but it's absence :(

And second thing - the Autorun menu show us programs for current user only, isn't it? Can it possible show to us autorun-programs for all users on PC when we are start CCleaner with Admin rights, grouping these programs by each user of PC?

*sorry for my Eng

I think you mean that you want CCleaner to:

- Show all startup entries for all users.

- Group all the startup entries by user.

This is a very good idea. I would also love for CCleaner to show BHO & scheduled tasks, as they are another important startup item that programs/malware/apps use that can slow a computer just as much as ordinary startup items, & cause just as many problems. If you decide to update from MS update, they will set their activation checker to install. If you cancel it, it will not go away. It will be set to bug you to run as a task every time you boot the computer up till you delete the startup task item.

I am just wondering, how long it will be before companies learn from MS & use it for malware? "Please install this fake security software" every time, on reboot, as a scheduled task?"

Thank you Microsoft, for exposing the next hole in your OS!

I hope you can see from the example above, what I mean about the new startup item problems!

Any chance you can implement like the guy said above, a scan for every user's startup items, in addition to the BHO + scheduled task startup items? It is because good programs like CCleaner are able to make it easy to remove startup items that now, they are turning to BHO & scheduled tasks to run! I say, don't give them the chance!

BHO & Scheduled Tasks are both startup items, so I was wondering, why not add those to the startup items as well, so there is a "complete" startup item check?

I think you mean that you want CCleaner to show all startup entries for all users.

Group all the startup entries by user.

Yes! :)