I am dealing with translations of programs and sites into my native language - Bulgarian. As your product is popular in Bulgaria I believe that translating your site will increase the popularity of CCleaner. I am also writing the review of the program in Bulgarian so when I am finished you the admins want they can post it somewhere in order to be helpfull for the Bulgarian users.
Yes but I cannot translate it without the permision of the owners so I am waiting for an answer...
By the way my mail is mmetev@yahoo.com if any of the owners want to contact me.
And another thing - I will write an overview of the program in Bulgarian for my countrymen in order to help them use this program.
MrG (the writer of CCleaner) hasn't replied here yet?
He must have missed it, cause I'm sure he doesn't mind getting a hand. I know I wouldn't! Maybe he just searches for topics/posts that have his name in them...
Yeah, but he gets like a million a day, and I don't know of anyone who has ever gotten a response. I know that I never have. Not that this is his fault, but I think you have more of a chance of being heard by making a thread like this than if you PM him.