Good evening, I will begin saying your Recuva product is really good and want to thank you for giving us that final chance of recovery before throwing in the towel [or the dreadful alternative that would require taking out a 2nd mortgage of course].
If the file-type selection could be modified just a touch. For example, I was trying my luck at recovering photos and videos in the advanced mode. I didn't see a clear method to include both file-type lists and so I originally had run a scan twice, thinking that it was only capable of searching for photos only or videos only. I think found that the file-type list was mutable, and this was really good, because there were some missing types I needed the program to check for.
In a future release, if there was some way to instead choose 'all that apply' in regard to file-types and\or maybe a method to import a custom csv list of extensions, that would be fantastic.
Thanks so much for your time and effort you've already put into this great utility.