- Add an option/ options to hide all files that are "Unrecoverable" / "Poorly recoverable" / etc. Present these options to the user before RECUVA analyzes a drive.
- Add one or more options to overwrite entries in a directory file. Or include "overwrite directory file entries" program code in the "overwrite selected file(s)" subroutines that are already available/used in the current version. As far as I know it's impossible to directly write to/ erase information from the Master File Table (MFT). That's why the program must overwrite entries in the directory files itself. Perhaps it's possible to overwrite a directory entry with e.g. zeros (or another character) that would signal to the NTFS that such a directory entry is "vacant / empty" ?
- The developers of Recuva could take this one step further. Perhaps it's possible to even reduce the size of a directory file itself. So, if a directory file contains say 100 entries of which say 30 refer to files that don't exist anymore or are "securely overwritten" then perhaps it's possible to reduce the size of that directory file to the remaining 70 entries.
The reduction of the size of the directory file could happen under a separate option or included in the "Securely overwrite files" subroutines.
- Then the "Securely overwrite files" program code could contain the following things/subroutines :
1)) Securely overwrite files
2)) Overwrite "empty" directory file entries.
3)) Reduce the size of directory files
- In the past I had a program called "Clean Disk Security" ( http://www.theabsolute.net/sware/clndisk.html CDS) that was able to reduce the amount of directory entries in a directory file. Several times in the past I ran RECUVA before and after running CDS. As a result of running CDS I noticed that the amount of e.g. "unrecoverable files" (as reported by Recuva) shrank (very) dramatically. Unfortunately I don't have that version (v7.xx) of that program (CDS) anymore.