Suggestion: Better Firefox Cookies options.

Hey! I LOVE CCleaner, I've been using it for quite some time, and I LOVE Piriform!

One thing that I would like to see would be the "Cookies to Delete" and "Cookies to Keep" for Firefox, not just IE. It seems that when I go to Options>Cookies, it only shows cookies from IE. If it could have the same features for Firefox, it would be even more perfect than it is now.

Thanks, Piriform for a wonderful product!


Hey! I LOVE CCleaner, I've been using it for quite some time, and I LOVE Piriform!

One thing that I would like to see would be the "Cookies to Delete" and "Cookies to Keep" for Firefox, not just IE. It seems that when I go to Options>Cookies, it only shows cookies from IE. If it could have the same features for Firefox, it would be even more perfect than it is now.

Thanks, Piriform for a wonderful product!


You haven't noticed that in the "cookies to keep" the cookies you do keep also apply to Firefox not just IE? seems to be working now...... :blink: I swear it hasn't worked like that for the last year.....

I think it's because I just now clicked the "Save settings to INI file". I'd never even seen it before.

Well....thanks anyway!