I was relieved to find that when I chose to use CCleaner to clean out my Registry - it asked if I wanted to make a Backup FIRST......naturally, I did. BUT then I decided to possibly do similarly and clean up my C Drive......then found out there was NO Backup Option offered prior to "CLEAN" [permanent deletion]

I am reluctant to do da DEED!

I am guessing and writing here to see IF this is where the OS System Restore Function comes into play - IF Necessary...Is this the SAFETY Tool - in case something gets deleted that foobars things?

Thanks, michael

No, Michael, the System Restore points and crap removed by CCleaner are at opposite ends of the spectrum as you can get.

System Restore will only 'bring back' system files and only a small handful at that. Typically, just the ones covering system bootups.

The stuff CC removes by default are user and system temp files, leftover install files, browser caches, log files etc. In other words, stuff by their very nature that can be removed, so require no backup option prior to the clean.

THANKS - sounds SAFE to me.

Related question, I was reading here about being able to right click on a "cookie" and then U can choose "Intelligent Clean"....I found where/what to open in order to get that option in order to speed things I had on the Left, ALL cookies to be removed, and on the right, ALL Cookies to KEEP. appears I have to Delete individually/manually each Cookie on the Left.....there is NO Quick Clean "button". WHAT am I missing?

TKS michael

the cookies came from internet browser so by going to each browser section in ccleaner, you can remove the cookies

or you can CTRL+A > Delete Now