streamline install process PLEASE!

ok since ccleaner gets a new version regularly why not make the install of new updated version quicker by automating it. for example when utorrent comes out with a new version all it takes is one click and the program is downloaded, installed and started with minimal user intervention (one click). of course if there are new features that need to be mentioned during setup then provide the full install. so why not make ccleaner install with 1 click? for example if ccleaner does not detect a previous version installed on the computer it then and only then should provide the user with the full installation options. but if it detects a version installed then it should take the previous settings and do a single click install and update (download new version, install it, start it). it seems that those every other week updates will be less of a headache. I personally think its the way of the future to do streamlined updates of software especially software requiring frequent updates.

noone has any thoughts about the above? it seems to me it would make the use of the program a bit more enjoyable when the updates would be very simple to do.

noone has any thoughts about the above? it seems to me it would make the use of the program a bit more enjoyable when the updates would be very simple to do.

Hi and welcome to the forum, It is recommended to search the forums before posting questions or suggestions.

You will notice this suggestion is asked and answered weekly.

From what i have been told previous, it comes down to bandwidth. CCleaner it self has had over 400million downloads, combine that with the 3 other applications x monthly up dates and that = alot of money.

CCleaner is freeware. By keeping it how it is is one of the ways it will stay free.

Hi and welcome to the forum, It is recommended to search the forums before posting questions or suggestions.

You will notice this suggestion is asked and answered weekly.

From what i have been told previous, it comes down to bandwidth. CCleaner it self has had over 400million downloads, combine that with the 3 other applications x monthly up dates and that = alot of money.

CCleaner is freeware. By keeping it how it is is one of the ways it will stay free.

Thanks for the welcome. :-)

how is what i have mentioned going to impact bandwidth? all it will do is impact the annoyance factor of the user. it will not make people download it more or less. it will just streamline the update of it. what will impact bandwidth and has been for a while now is unnecessarily releasing an update every week or 2. to me that is what impacts bandwidth and the costs associated with it. i don't know of any other software out there besides antivirus software that updates as often as the programs created by Piriform do. how many times in a month can defragler change? haven't file systems been the same for at least 5 years and probably at least last 10 years? why make the updates every few weeks when you can do the same and cut down bandwidth by doing them once a month. monthly updates will more than pay for themselves by the end of the year. nothing in ccleaner is that time critical that it needs to be released as often as it is now and the same goes for the other software Piriform offers. Unless!! the releases are purely to enable some novice users to install yahoo toolbar. i really hope that is not the case.


I'm sure that Pirifom is not so tied into Yahoo that the releases are to trick or enable new users to install the Yahoo toolbar. If you look at the change logs, you will notice significant changes from each version. The developing team at Piriform, while not perfect (who is), works to constantly develop and further the ability of their products.

But I would agree that the update process could be streamlined. It is frustrating to "install" a new version every time I update; a one-and-done update process would be greatly appreciated by most users. Sounds like a good thread in the suggestion forum :)

Can a mod move this thread into suggestions? Im sorry i made a mistake and put it in this section. thank you