Strange Sitings

WarlockLives here, Hope this is the place for this. I just saw recent topics and my follow feature and there appear to be a bunch of squares in these areas. [Moderator removal of site name -nergal] is specified. Don't have a clue

what this represents but maybe warrrants a check by staff. Thanks so much.

W, that is some sort of spam. I translated it at google translate, can't tell a thing about it except that it is in Korean (not even sure of that), its junk.

The problem is not with your computer. :)

it's all from the member parasamail161, it's been reported, won't be there much longer. :ph34r:

Thank goodness you gives figured it out. For a while there I thought it was a series of coded messages from the alien overlord BAMWAR the Malevolent (a.k.a. BAMwar the Malevolent, a.k.a. bamWAR the Malevolent, a.k.a. any possible combination of upper and lower case letters spelling the name "bamwar") demanding the immediate and total surrender of all Earth's citizens. I immediately donned my tinfoil hat and hid in the basement. :lol:

I translated it at google translate, can't tell a thing about it except that it is in Korean (not even sure of that), its junk.

Whois tracked it to .JP, Japan.

it's all from the member parasamail161, it's been reported, won't be there much longer. :ph34r:
No there was a spate of spam from multiple new member accounts many of which were the same name with a serialized number after. All made multiple threads, i'm pretty sure it's stopped, but mentioning the keyword (the one set of english letters) over and over in this thread may well attract more (perhaps don't help them with their work k thx )

Hi All,

Just now checking back on the reported squares. Thanks to everyone who contributed to an explanation. Take care as always. Your friend,


[Moderator removal of site name -nergal]

So great, that I will never -ever- know. xD