My question is: Is that a full size truck in the foreground?
If you zoom in it looks like a real truck but I'm not positive. If it is, then it would appear the 2 people in the background would have to be about 12 feet tall. The thumbnail links to a larger image.
Also, I honestly believed that the Spirit of Titanic Snow Globe had to be the tackiest thing imaginable. I had seen it on eBay and thought it must be the tackiest thing in the world if not the universe. Wrong! It's not even the tackiest thing on eBay. Not even close. In fact, it's not even the tackiest thing the seller below is offering. I thought it couldn't get any worse but then I noticed the counter at the bottom of the page which seems to indicate that I'm the only person in the world looking at it! I have to go now so I can find a thesaurus to look up another word for 'tackiest' so next time I won't have to use it six thousand times in one posting.
It's a full-size truck in the background. If you look carefully, the upper right corner of the cab is obscured by the pavement supporting the two people. The truck is close to the pouring water.
It's a full-size truck in the background. If you look carefully, the upper right corner of the cab is obscured by the pavement supporting the two people. The truck is close to the pouring water.
I found another photo from a different perspective:
Obviously, you were right. I'm guessing the photographer was using a strong telephoto lens from some distance away. Looking at the first photo though still seems like a bizarre optical illusion to me. Of course, in my case most things do .
There are quite a few other photos of the damage done by the same storm which show the incredible damage it caused, including a car that hydroplaned into a tractor-trailer that has to be seen to be believed.
Fake dog doo, brand named "Naughty Fido!" was available in Britain at least 60 years ago. (Excellent quaility - sure to confuse.) The "new world" is catching up!
And just what were you consuming when you attempted to analyse the perspective in that picture? 12' men in the background - holy J. Molloley!
Really enjoying your humourous posts and the various curiosities you present. Keep them coming!
Fake dog doo, brand named "Naughty Fido!" was available in Britain at least 60 years ago. (Excellent quaility - sure to confuse.) The "new world" is catching up!
Hmmm... Your quote got me thinking. I figured if your crap technology is as advanced as you say, maybe you guys would have a similar item I've been looking for. Sure enough, did a search, and there it was, exactly what I've been hoping to find !
Luckily I read it more carefully and saw it wasn't exactly what I wanted, I'd much prefer empty ones .
Maybe I shouldn't be so picky and settle for these anyway .
I think eBay's translation muddled things up a bit:
I know when I try to translate English to English it all sounds like French (NO!! I MEANT GREEK!) to me.
<<French is one of the words that triggers the Bush/Cheney/NSA ElectroCyberSquad into action>>
Anyway you guys may have excelled in crap technology but WE invented CCleaner!
Ever wonder about the shape of poo? You know,goats and rabbits are round pills, bovine poo is a big plop, some are weiners, and others are winners. What gives here?
This thread went way off topic! From perception to excretion ......... now you've come in with perception of excretion!
You may wish to follow your interest in animal defecation HERE!
As to shape, "what gives" is diet, bowel structure and retention time. A human may go "round pills", nutty lumps, "big plop", "weiners", splitters, cables, splatterers, liquid surge and, as you so poetically put it, "winners". Isn't this part of what makes us superior to mere animals? They tend toward rather monotonous patterns.
This thread went way off topic! From perception to excretion ......... now you've come in with perception of excretion!
You may wish to follow your interest in animal defecation HERE!
As to shape, "what gives" is diet, bowel structure and retention time. A human may go "round pills", nutty lumps, "big plop", "weiners", splitters, cables, splatterers, liquid surge and, as you so poetically put it, "winners". Isn't this part of what makes us superior to mere animals? They tend toward rather monotonous patterns.