Out of the blue, after using this little tool for months, I get this error when exiting the small Hostsman GUI.
The only changes today have been Microsoft updates.
Edit: Have tried reinstalling Hostsman.
Out of the blue, after using this little tool for months, I get this error when exiting the small Hostsman GUI.
The only changes today have been Microsoft updates.
Edit: Have tried reinstalling Hostsman.
Still working fine for me Dennis
Thanks Mike, I can hopefully elliminate the updates then. I found a site while googling that said try running CCleaner.
I'm one step ahead of you mate.
I remember reading sometime ago that a damaged prefetch file may cause that, don't know if it's true though but anyway maybe it would hurt to first close Hostman then open C:\Windows\Prefetch and delete the HM.EXE-#########.pf file.
Also if you haven't did a cold boot in awhile that may help. A cold boot is when you shutdown Windows (not restart), then start the PC. That alone can get rid of some memory problems that cause programs that have always ran stable before out of nowhere to start having access violations/exceptions, etc.
There isn't an entry for it in prefetch, but I cleared it all the same, and that ain't it, but thx anyway.
But I think I'm getting warm.
If I select the green H to disable the hosts, the GUI closes without the error, but it isn't actually disabling the hosts file. The System Tray icon stays green, when it should change to red.
Open the GUI and sure enough, the hosts hasn't been disabled. Weird. I think I'll try another reinstall, but first have a good sweep of the registry after removing it.
EDIT: I'll try the reboot, as I haven't done that since the anomaly (love Star Trek) started.
What version of HostsMan are you running?
I seem to remember that failure with an old version.
The current version I am running is HostsMan 3.2.69 Beta5:
What version of HostsMan are you running?
I seem to remember that failure with an old version.
The current version I am running is HostsMan 3.2.69 Beta5:
The latest stable one, which is 3.1.57.
Thanks for the suggestion, but it's fixed now. Uninstalled, did a sweep of the registry, rebooted, and installed with a fresh installer from the same site as your link. I got the other installer from I think Softpedia.
I've no idea why it suddenly went weird, but if it happens again I'll give that beta version a try.