Stormpay, HYIPs and other issues

How many of you have been caught up in the scandal surrounding Stormpay in recent weeks? More to the point, how many of you have LOST MONEY? Towards the end of last year I invested in a few autosurfs (Rainsurf was the first, and at least they paid me once before they ran away) and HYIPs, with the obvious intention of getting rich quick... and then Stormpay has to go and get all greedy coz they're not the solo choice of payment processor for 12DailyPro and others, plus profits4investingtoo goes down and with it, millions of dollars. I personally lost over $2300 with P4I2 and can't see them ever paying out, and Stormpay is holding on to maybe $540 from my autosurfing... :( Yes, playing with the autosurfs and HYIPs is akin to gambling, and you do lose out when you gamble - just not this much, I thought!!! Opinions on the various money-making forums range from "sucked in!" to "oh, give stormpay a chance" to "P4I2 was a scam from the very beginning", and there are conspiracy theorists everywhere - dunno who to believe. This was going to be *my* year! :angry: I haven't given up yet though.

My mate didn't give me back the 2$ he borrowed last day.

I was gonna invest it in Airbus shares but now, my dream is all gone. :(

My mate didn't give me back the 2$ he borrowed last day.

I was gonna invest it in Airbus shares but now, my dream is all gone. :(


That reminds me of some ole 1980's movie where there's a little kid that's a paperboy who wants his two dollars and he stalks John Cusack's character all through the movie to get it.