Stopped Wipe Free Space


I stopped the Wipe Free Space (35 Passes) during the process (about 14 passes in) as I did not want to leave my laptop running for more than several days. Unfortunately, the memory I use to have on my computer HDD was reduced from 200 to 30 GB and it is slowly decreasing. Is there a fix for this?

From what i saw from other posts, there seems to be a way to remove the file CC has created (the blank file) for the WFS function. However I am unsure of the reliability of those methods.

Have you tried re-booting your PC?

I am currently using the erase free space feature on my Mac (os Yosemite.) I am using the 36 pass security feature to make sure some deleted financial logon data is secure. (Probably overkill, but...) I have around 1/2 of 1 terrabyte disk with free space. Any rough idea of how long the process should take; I have 12 gig memory total and about 4-5 free. The other programs, when I am running any, seem to work OK and not significantly slowed down. I am still on my first pass after around 3 hours, but the program seems to be running and not taking a lot of resources according to my activity monitor. I don't mind leaving my Mac running constantly for a few days, if that is what it takes? Do I have to set my sleep setting to "never" or will the program prevent my Mac from sleeping while it is running. The program says that it can't be stopped, but I assume it means that it will leave a file if it is forced shut etc. I have read the message just above this one about a reboot.

Thanks; just wanted to make sure that the warning about taking several hours can mean DAYS.

See message above. After 3 days, I have completed the above 35 passes. Now the program is creating a "secondary temporary file" and starting passes again. What is that all about; I hope not another three days? It doesn't say it is erasing anything. Is it safe to shut down, or do I need to wait for ??? number of these passes? My disk capacity seems to be OK, per my disk utility, although I don't know what the size of the temp files being created are, and if they will deleted automatically when the program stops itself (I hope) or I try to stop and reboot. Is the secondary temp file creation the normal function for the program after the 1st 35 passes?


It's better to ask in the Mac section, my bad, this is the Mac section, but 35 passes would (in my opinion) take oodles of time on a modern sized HDD. What I do know is it's a great way to kill a disk. Stick with 1 pass secure. On the MAC wipe free space uses the OS' built in wiper so whatever is normal for thatvis normal for Ccleaner.

I placed more information in a Sticky Topic


I am baffled that nobody has replied to this thread with expert or developer insight.

I ran 7 pass, which went through the night - and now it is starting over. It 'created a second temporary file' and now is on pass 2 - again! In addition, chrome will not launch. I was able to launch safari, which then (now) stopped doing anything.

I am using an older macbook (10.8.5).

Someone please help! My computer has been acting funny just in the past week or two - when i 'click' things, for example, sometimes it 'sticks' and I drag around what I clicked rather than opening it. And when typing, once or twice the cursor got lost and started adding letters in the middle of the line ..

I've been using ccleaner to keep things tidy and that has generally worked fine, but this problem has persisted so I opted to wipe free space. But - why is it making the passes a second time??

I am baffled that nobody has replied to this thread with expert or developer insight.

MAC users on the forum are very limited as most use the Windows version of CCleaner - meaning for those of us that don't use MAC we're not qualified to answer questions.

The developers rarely post, and typically only ask/answer questions if it pertains to bugs.